Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
SUBSTITUTE - Amending the City of Madison Official Map to establish mapped reservations for future Streets and Highways in the City of Madison to connect Genomic Drive to Mineral Point Road and extend Charmany Drive between S Rosa Road and Genomic Drive consistent with recommendations in the adopted Odana Area Plan.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: The proposed substitute was requested by the resolution sponsors to clarify that the attached map and legal description being adopted as Exhibits A and B have been changed since the original resolution was drafted. The body of the resolution is not otherwise changed.
WHEREAS the Common Council adopted Ordinance 2091 on August 11, 1966 to establish the Official Map for the City of Madison for a part of the City of Madison located in the NE 1/4 of Section 25, T7N R8E to map various future streets/ highways, parkways, and greenways in the portions of the existing and future City generally bounded by Mineral Point Road on the north, S Yellowstone Drive on the west, Odana Road on the south, and the southerly prolongation of Island Drive on the east; said Official Map section being amended by Resolution 41,198 on April 23, 1985 and by Resolution 43,543 on June 2, 1987; and
WHEREAS the Common Council adopted Ordinance 2091 on August 11, 1966 to establish the Official Map for a part of the City of Madison located in the NW 1/4 of Section 30, T7N R9E to map various future streets/ highways, parkways, and greenways in the portions of the existing and future City generally bounded by Mineral Point Road on the north, platted but un-built Woodford Drive on the west, Tokay Boulevard on the south, and S Whitney Way on the east; and
WHEREAS the Odana Area Plan was adopted by the Common Council by Resolution 21-00655 (ID 66098) on September 21, 2021 as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan to guide future land uses, street networks, transit facilities, bike facilities, and open space investments within the planning area; and
WHEREAS the Odana Area Plan recommends that a network of streets be implemented to serve planned development in the planning area, including an extension of Genomic Drive north to Mineral Point Road from its current terminus north of Research Park Boulevard, and an extension of Charmany Drive between S Rosa Road and Genomic Drive;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Of Madison hereby amends the City of Madison Official Map to reserve lands for Proposed Streets and Highways under Section 16.25(6) of Madison General Ordinances and under Wis. Stats. ss. 62.23(6)(c), as shown on attached map Exhibit A and as legally described in attached Exhibit B.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Streets and Highways to be reserved with this amendment are consistent with the recommendations in the Odana Area Plan.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notice of this amendment has been provided pursuant to the requirements under Wisconsin Statutes Sec. 62.23(6) and Section 16.25(6) of Madison General Ordinances.