Madison, WI Header
Boards, Commissions and CommitteesDate icsTimeLocationMeeting DetailsAgendaAgenda PacketMinutesWatch
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
FINANCE COMMITTEE 9/30/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM HYBRID -- MMB 215
Regular Meeting + Budget Hearing
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE 9/26/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
DISABILITY RIGHTS COMMISSION 9/26/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
JOINT CAMPUS AREA COMMITTEE 9/26/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:45 PM WARF Building, 610 Walnut Street, Room 132
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE 9/25/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
VENDING OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE 9/25/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 9/25/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
URBAN DESIGN COMMISSION 9/25/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Virtual
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
COMMITTEE ON AGING 9/25/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
COMMON COUNCIL 9/24/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 9/24/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Hybrid: Room 201 City-County Building and Via Virtual Meeting 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Note: Quorum of the Common Council may be present at this meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
PLAN COMMISSION 9/23/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM **Virtual Meeting**
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
SUSTAINABLE MADISON COMMITTEE 9/23/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
PARKS LONG RANGE PLANNING SUBCOMMITTEE 9/23/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Virtual
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
ROOM TAX COMMISSION 9/23/2024 Export to iCalendar  
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
POLICE CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT BOARD 9/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM Virtual
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
DOWNTOWN COORDINATING COMMITTEE 9/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 206 (Madison Municipal Building)
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 9/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
MONONA TERRACE COMMUNITY AND CONVENTION CENTER BOARD 9/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM One John Nolen Drive Hall of Fame Room
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE 9/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
MADISON FOOD POLICY COUNCIL 9/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM VIRTUAL
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
MADISON ARTS COMMISSION 9/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Virtual
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 9/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
PARKS LONG RANGE PLANNING SUBCOMMITTEE 9/18/2024 Export to iCalendar Canceled Virtual
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION 9/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 12:00 PM Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Special Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
STREET USE STAFF COMMISSION 9/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM Virtual
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
FINANCE COMMITTEE 9/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM VIRTUAL
Budget Hearing Only
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
DEFERRED COMPENSATION COMMITTEE 9/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Virtual (Zoom)
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
FINANCE COMMITTEE 9/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM VIRTUAL
Regular Meeting + Budget Hearing
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE 9/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION 9/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION 9/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM City of Madison Fleet Service 4151 Nakoosa Trail, Madison, WI 53714
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION 9/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM City of Madison Fleet Service 4151 Nakoosa Trail, Madison, WI 53714
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 9/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Virtual
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE 9/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM VIRTUAL
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual
Date changed from 9/18/24 to 9/11/24
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
PUBLIC SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar Canceled 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 103A (City-County Building)
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
URBAN DESIGN COMMISSION 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:30 PM Virtual
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Watch Watch
PERSONNEL BOARD 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Virtual (Zoom)
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Watch Watch
BOARD OF REVIEW 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 215 (Madison Municipal Building)
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
CITY, COUNTY, SCHOOLS COLLABORATIVE COMMITTEE 9/11/2024 Export to iCalendar Canceled  
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
COMMON COUNCIL 9/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:30 PM 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 201 (City-County Building)
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 9/10/2024 Export to iCalendar Canceled Hybrid: Room 201 City-County Building and Via Virtual Meeting 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Notes: Quorum of the Common Council may be present at this meeting
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
BOARD OF REVIEW 9/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 215 (Madison Municipal Building)
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Not available
POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION 9/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Virtual meeting via Zoom
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Watch Watch
PLAN COMMISSION 9/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM **Virtual Meeting**
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Watch Watch
CITY-COUNTY HOMELESS ISSUES COMMITTEE 9/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
SISTER CITY COLLABORATION COMMITTEE 9/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Virtual
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
LANDMARKS COMMISSION 9/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Watch Watch
FACILITIES PROGRAMS AND FEES SUBCOMMITTEE (Parks) 9/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM 330 E. Lakeside St.
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Watch Watch
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMISSION 9/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Virtual Meeting
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
MADISON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 9/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Central Library, 201 W. Mifflin St., Rm 301
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Watch Watch
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 9/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM Virtual
CDA Finance Subcommittee
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Watch Watch
BOARD OF HEALTH FOR MADISON AND DANE COUNTY 9/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:30 PM Atrium Community Room 2300 South Park Street
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Not available
TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 9/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
BOARD OF REVIEW 9/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 215 (Madison Municipal Building)
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Not available
STREET USE STAFF COMMISSION 9/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM Virtual
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Watch Watch
ROOM TAX COMMISSION 9/3/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Monona Terrace - Community Terrace Room
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available

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