Madison, WI Header
File #: 63902    Version: Name: Conditional Use Thresholds
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/26/2021 In control: Attorney's Office
On agenda: 6/1/2021 Final action: 6/1/2021
Enactment date: 6/15/2021 Enactment #: ORD-21-00044
Title: SUBSTITUTE - Amending various sections of Subchapters 28C and 28D of Madison General Ordinances in order to increase allowable densities and decrease conditional use thresholds in certain multi-family residential, mixed-use, and commercial districts.
Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Keith Furman, Patrick W. Heck, Lindsay Lemmer, Tag Evers, Christian A. Albouras
Attachments: 1. 63902 Body.pdf, 2. Housing_Ordinance_Staff_Memo_2-17-21.pdf, 3. Staff_Overview_Video, 4. Staff Overview_Slides.pdf, 5. Emailed Public Comments 2-25-21 Housing Strategy Committee.pdf, 6. RegistrantsReport-Public Comments 2-25-21 Housing Strategy Committee.pdf, 7. Public_Comments_03-09-21_03-19-21.pdf, 8. 03-19-21_Additional_Staff_Comments.pdf, 9. Public_Comments_03-20-21_03-22-21.pdf, 10. Ald_Kemble_Comments_03-22-21.pdf, 11. Public_Comments_03-22-21_Post 3 pm.pdf, 12. 63902 Version 1.pdf, 13. 63902 Body Version 2.pdf, 14. Alternate Ordinance 63902v.3.pdf, 15. 03-26-21_Additional Staff Comments.pdf, 16. 3-30-21-StaffPresentation.pdf, 17. Public_Comment_03-29-21.pdf, 18. 3/30/21 CC Mtg_Emails 63902.pdf, 19. 210330_Common Council Registrants Report Final.pdf, 20. Public_Comments_05-12-21_05-13-21.pdf, 21. Public_Comments_05-14-21_05-17-21.pdf, 22. 5-28-21-RESJIAnalysis.pdf, 23. Second Alternate Ordinance 63902v.4.pdf, 24. Attachment A - Second Alternate Parcels 63902.pdf, 25. Attachment B - Second Alternate F35_zoning.pdf, 26. Written Public Comment 6-1-21 63902.pdf, 27. FW_ Agenda Item Number 5 -- In Support.pdf, 28. FW_ Proposed Changes to the Zoning Ordinance_Legistar #63902.pdf, 29. FW_ Upzoning and Land Banking.pdf, 30. 060121_Evers_Amendment_63902.pdf, 31. 060121_Halverson_Amendment_63902.pdf, 32. 210601_ Common Council Registrants Report.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsWatch
6/1/20212 COMMON COUNCIL Adopt the following Amendment(s) to the SubstituteFail Action details Meeting details Not available
6/1/20212 COMMON COUNCIL Place on File without Prejudice and Close the Public HearingFail Action details Meeting details Not available
6/1/20212 COMMON COUNCIL Adopt the following Amendment(s) to the SubstituteFail Action details Meeting details Not available
6/1/20212 COMMON COUNCIL Adopt as Substituted and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/30/20212 COMMON COUNCIL Refer to a future Meeting to AdoptPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/16/20211 COMMON COUNCIL Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/8/20211 PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO RE-REFER - PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/25/20211 HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024) Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/3/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/2/20211 COMMON COUNCIL ReferPass Action details Meeting details Not available
1/26/20211 Attorney's Office Referred for Introduction  Action details Meeting details Not available

Fiscal Note

No City appropriation required.


SUBSTITUTE - Amending various sections of Subchapters 28C and 28D of Madison General Ordinances in order to increase allowable densities and decrease conditional use thresholds in certain multi-family residential, mixed-use, and commercial districts.


DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS:    This ordinance makes changes to the conditional use thresholds and allowable densities in most multi-family residential districts.  Similarly, this ordinance makes changes to the conditional use thresholds and the standards for lot area, maximum height, and usable open space for most mixed-use districts. 

These changes will allow for the construction of more multi-family dwelling units (“higher densities”) as permitted uses (“by right”).  In that way, this ordinance takes one step toward removing barriers in the zoning code that have historically tended to exclude the construction of multi-family housing in areas of the City that are otherwise appropriate for it. 

For further information related to the changes contained in this ordinance, please see the Planning Division Staff Report.

The changes contained in this Substitute Ordinance implement recommendations made by the Plan Commission. First, this Substitute decreases the number of units that may be built as a permitted use in the mixed-use and commercial districts. These changes are found in the Mixed-Use and Commercial District Uses Table in paragraph 18 of this ordinance. Second, this Substitute Ordinance changes Multi-family dwelling (13-24 units) from a permitted to conditional use.  Finally, this ordinance changes the amount of ground floor commercial frontage facing the primary street to 50%.


The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:


                     See "63902 Body Version 2" in Attachments.