Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Commending and thanking Alderperson Paul Skidmore for his dedicated service to the constituents in District 9 and to the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, Alderperson Paul Skidmore was first elected to the Madison Common Council on April 3, 2001, and was reelected nine times; and
WHEREAS, Alderperson Skidmore served on the Ad Hoc Task Force on the Structure of City Government (TFOGS) Final Report Implementation Work Group; Administrative Review Board; Alcohol License Review Committee; Alcohol License Review Committee Revocation Subcommittee; Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Alcohol Use in Parks and Central City; Board of Park Commissioners; Board of Public Works; CDA Housing Operations Subcommittee; City-County Liaison Committee; Common Council Executive Committee; Common Council Organizational Committee; Community Development Authority; Disability Rights Commission; Facilities Programs and Fees Subcommittee; Finance Committee; Garver Building Reuse Committee; Ice Arena Ad Hoc Committee; Landlord and Tenant Issues Committee; Long Range Transportation Planning Committee; Madison Area Transportation Planning Board; Pedestrian/Bicycle/Motor Vehicle Commission; Ad Hoc Task Force on Pesticide Use Policy; President’s Work Group to Develop City-Wide Surveillance Equipment & Data Management Policies; Public Safety Communications Center Board (911 Center Board), a joint City/County body, including serving as Chair for one term; Public Safety Review Committee; Senior Citizens Advisory Committee; Small Business Enterprise Appeals Committee; Sustainable Design and Energy Committee; Task Force on the Structure of City Government; Transportation Ordinance Review Ad Hoc Committee; Verona Road/West Beltline Highway Advisory Committee; and Warner Park Community Recreation Center Advisory Subcommittee; and
WHEREAS, during his 20 year tenure, Alderperson Skidmore worked with four mayors - Sue Bauman, Dave Cieslewicz, Paul Soglin, and Satya Rhodes-Conway; four Chiefs of Police - Richard Williams, Noble Wray, Mike Koval, and Shon Barnes; and three City Attorneys - Eunice Gibson, Mike May, and Mike Haas; and
WHEREAS, while it is difficult to summarize the accomplishments over a period of 20 years of service, Alderperson Skidmore’s most significant contributions include:
1. Public safety: Continuous support for adequate funding for MPD and MFD equipment, staffing, and operations; supporting development of Fire Stations #12, #13, and #14; supporting for the development of five MPD district offices; providing public support for the police officers, firefighters, and EMTs who protect our city at all times, day and night.
2. Public works: Support and sponsorship for major improvements to Junction Road, Pleasant View Road, and Mineral Point Road; support for the installation of many traffic safety improvements, including traffic signals, stop signs, and traffic calming devices; support for park planning and development projects throughout Madison; support and sponsorship for the planning, design, and implementation of many stormwater management projects, greenway improvements, and general works projects throughout Madison.
3. Planning and development: Support for good, orderly development of residential, commercial, and office areas in the 9th District. Key developments include Attic Angels campus; All Saints campus; Paragon campus; Tree Lane Family Apartments; Old Sauk Trails Business Park; Silicon Prairie Business Park; and West Towne Mall and its surrounding businesses; and
WHEREAS, Alderperson Paul Skidmore through his hard work and dedication to his aldermanic duties has faithfully and with honor served his constituents and the City of Madison;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Council commend and thank Alderperson Paul Skidmore for his dedicated service to his constituents in District 9 and to the City of Madison.