Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Commending and thanking Alderperson Rebecca Kemble for her dedicated service to the constituents in District 18 and to the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, Alderperson Rebecca Kemble was elected to the Madison Common Council on April 7, 2015; and
WHEREAS, Alderperson Kemble served on the Ad Hoc Task Force on the Structure of City Government Final Report Implementation Work Group; Alder Workgroup to Develop Logistics & Operational Details for MPD Independent Civilian Oversight; Committee on Aging; Common Council Executive Committee; Common Council Organizational Committee; Economic Development Committee; Equal Opportunities Commission; Finance Committee; Madison Food Policy Council; Metro Paratransit Medicaid Waiver Funding & Policy Review Ad Hoc Committee; Oscar Mayer Strategic Assessment Committee; Pedestrian/Bicycle/Motor Vehicle Commission; President’s Work Group on Police & Community Relations; President’s Work Group to Develop City-Wide Surveillance Equipment & Data Management Policies; Task Force on Structure of City Government; Transit and Parking Commission; Transportation Commission; Transportation Ordinance Review Ad Hoc Committee; Transportation Policy and Planning Board; and Warner Park Community Recreation Center Advisory Subcommittee; and
WHEREAS, during her tenure in office, Alderperson Kemble was focused on bringing improvements to City governance and administrative systems; and
WHEREAS, through the Transportation Ordinance Review Ad Hoc Committee, Alderperson Kemble worked on changing Madison’s transportation ordinances to ensure that the City of Madison has the staff positions (re-creating the Department of Transportation) and policy body (Transportation Policy and Planning Board) to take responsibility for the important work of planning our transportation system for a sustainable future; and
WHEREAS, Alderperson Kemble authored the compromise resolution creating the Task Force on the Structure of City Government and worked to develop recommendations to greatly expand and enhance resident representation, inclusion and involvement with City government, and to break down silos between City agencies; and
WHEREAS, for the entire six years of Alderperson Kemble's tenure on the Common Council, she participated in work groups and committees (President’s Work Group on Police & Community Relations, President’s Work Group to Develop Surveillance Equipment and Data Policy, and Alder Work Group to Develop Logistic and Operational Details for MPD Independent Civilian Oversight) to increase civilian oversight and accountability of the police, resulting in the Common Council adopting 177 recommendations for improvements within MPD, the creation of the Civilian Oversight Board and the position of an Independent Police Monitor; and
WHEREAS, as an Equal Opportunities Commissioner, Alderperson Kemble brought in housing professionals and researchers and tenant groups to inform the EOC's investigation into the worsening eviction/non-renewal crisis in Madison; and
WHEREAS, Alderperson Kemble led the efforts to respond to the Air Force's proposal to site F-35A fighter jets in Madison, which culminated in the adoption of council resolution, RES-20-00288, opposing the selection of Truax Field as a preferred location for the 5th Operational Beddown and requesting that the Secretary of the US Air Force not move forward with a beddown of F-35A jets at Truax Field, and to remove Truax Field from future consideration; and
WHEREAS, the years of working with Mendota School 4th and 5th graders though the Community PUPs program has been Alderperson Kemble’s greatest joy as an alder; and
WHEREAS, Alderperson Kemble is thrilled to turn her focus toward growing in her new role as Grandmother to baby Pearl; and
WHEREAS, Alderperson Rebecca Kemble through her hard work and dedication to her aldermanic duties has faithfully and with honor served her constituents and the City of Madison;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Council commend and thank Alderperson Rebecca for her dedicated service to her constituents in District 18 and to the City of Madison.