1936-1938 Atwood Avenue; 6th Ald. Dist.: Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a five-unit multi-family dwelling at 1936 Atwood Avenue; consideration of a conditional use to construct a building with over 24 dwelling units in the TSS (Traditional Shopping Street) District; consideration of a conditional use for a building in the exceeding 25,000 square feet of floor area for a mixed-use or multi-tenant building in the TSS District; consideration of a conditional use for a building in the TSS District exceeding three stories and 40 feet in height; consideration of a conditional use for a building in the TSS District with non-residential uses occupying less than 75-percent of the ground-floor frontage facing the primary street, including frontage at a street corner; consideration of a conditional use for a private parking facility in the TSS District; and consideration of a conditional use for a building in the TSS District with non-residential uses constituting less than 75-p...