Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the Plan. Implementing specific recommendations within the Plan will require the inclusion of expenditures in future capital and operating budgets, subject to Common Council approval at that time.
SUBSTITUTE - Adopting Madison in Motion as the City of Madison’s long-range transportation system plan, policy framework and resource for future transportation investments, as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan.
WHEREAS the City of Madison's population and economy is growing, and in order to continue to facilitate this growth and ensure a high quality of life, the City has identified a need for a comprehensive transportation plan that integrates all modes of passenger and freight transportation (i.e., auto, bicycle, public transportation, pedestrian, high-capacity transit, air, etc.), identifies how those modes interconnect and work together, and identifies how the City's numerous plans and policies are enhanced and supported by it; and
WHEREAS two thirds of jobs in Madison are held by non-residents, Madison’s transportation system must support local and regional needs; and
WHEREAS the unique geography of Madison concentrates vehicular traffic onto a limited number of corridors, which have very limited opportunity for adding capacity; and
WHEREAS neighborhoods with many low-income residents and persons of color often are in areas that are difficult to serve with traditional transit services, resulting in longer travel times for those who often have no other choice; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison supports goals to use land use objectives and policies that improve the residential quality of life for urban neighborhoods and improve mobility/access options for all Madison area residents and visitors to the City, and the coordination and integration of Madison's transportation and land use plans, policies and practices will help keep Madison vibrant and attractive to ...
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