Madison, WI Header
File #: 44190    Version: 1 Name: Planning Division staff update on Comprehensive Plan
Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 8/23/2016 In control: HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024)
On agenda: Final action: 12/3/2018
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Planning Division staff update on Comprehensive Plan - Imagine Madison
Attachments: 1. 161128_PC_Worksession_Discussion_Outline.pdf, 2. 21st Century Comprehensive Plan.pdf, 3. DraftGoals.pdf, 4. Imagine Madison Public Relations Summary.pdf, 5. MeetingFlyer-letter.pdf, 6. Workbook Example.pdf, 7. Draft Goals_December 2016.pdf, 8. Slide Presentation to Boards, Committees, Commissions.pdf, 9. Madison City Snapshot 2016-Imagine Madison.pdf, 10. Areas_of_Potential_Change_012017.pdf, 11. Imagine Madison_SMC_1-23-17.pdf, 12. Imagine Madison_SMC_1-23-17.pdf, 13. Draft Goals List.pdf, 14. Timeline-170717.pdf, 15. Imagine Madison Phase 1 Summary.pdf, 16. Imagine Madison Phase 2 Plan.pdf, 17. Imagine Madison timeline of activities_170217.pdf, 18. PC_Worksession_Discussion_Outline - with links022317.pdf, 19. Imagine_Madison-Resident_Panel_Update_031717.pdf, 20. PC Update 032017.pdf, 21. Resident Panels Summary of Feedback P1_032017.pdf, 22. Common Council 032117 Imagine Madison Check-In.pdf, 23. Phase 2 Overview042417 .pdf, 24. FLU District Descriptions042117 .pdf, 25. 170425 FLU Map.pdf, 26. 170425 Centers and Corridors.pdf, 27. 60 Draft Strategies042417 .pdf, 28. Imagine Madison - Board of Park Com 170511.pdf, 29. Phase 2 Overview.pdf, 30. 60 Draft Strategies for Comp Plan 170424.pdf, 31. 2017 FLU District Descriptions.pdf, 32. Centers and Corridors w Labels.pdf, 33. GFLU_NewCategories Full City 11x17.pdf, 34. PC Memo 2017-06-23.pdf, 35. Draft FLU Map with Change Areas.pdf, 36. Draft FLU Map with Comment Numbers.pdf, 37. Spreadsheet_Initial Solicitation for Comments.pdf, 38. Spreadsheet_Public Meeting Comments.pdf, 39. Spreadsheet_Online FLU Comments_170626.pdf, 40. Attachment_Park Street Alternate FLU.pdf, 41. Attachments related to several comments_2017-6-26.pdf, 42. PBMVC Handout.pdf, 43. CompPlan_F&C Strategies.pdf, 44. Attachment_1004 Westport.pdf, 45. Attachment_MATC Property Truax.pdf, 46. Attachment_Vilas Alternative.pdf, 47. Map Comments_Reveived_From_Resident_Panels_11X17.pdf, 48. PC Memo_2017-07-20.pdf, 49. Spreadsheet_Comments Received after June 21_20170720.pdf, 50. Spreadsheet_Resident Panel Comments on FLU Map_20170720.pdf, 51. Spreadsheet_Web Comments on FLU Map - 20170720.pdf, 52. Map Comments_Received_After_June_21.pdf, 53. PC Memo_170728.pdf, 54. Attachment_WestTowne_GFLU_NewCategories_2012v2017.pdf, 55. Attachment_Greenbush_GFLU_NewCategories_DU&Density.pdf, 56. All Comments on Draft Strategies_All 709 Responses_170728.pdf, 57. Spreadsheet_Revised Draft Strategies_170728.pdf, 58. Imagine Madison Strategies - Community Feedback Summaries_170728.pdf, 59. Tenny FLU & Analysis Maps.pdf, 60. 2017-08-02_PC Memo_Tenny.pdf, 61. Timeline 171101.pdf, 62. Community Meeting - Phase 3.pdf, 63. Strategies and Example Actions Packet.pdf, 64. Planning Term Definitions.pdf, 65. ScenariosHandouts.pdf, 66. 180112 PC Memo for Jan 18.pdf, 67. Summary of Phase 3 Feedback on Strategies_180112.pdf, 68. Phase 3 FLU PC_15 Areas.pdf, 69. Phase 3 FLU PC_6 Areas Discussion.pdf, 70. FLU Reference Materials.pdf, 71. Attachments Related to FLU Comments 2018-01-18.pdf, 72. 180126 PC Memo.pdf, 73. Summary of Phase 3 Growth Prioritization Feedback_180125.pdf, 74. Growth Prioritization Comments Map_180124.pdf, 75. Growth Prioritization Comments_COMMUNITY MEETINGS_180124.pdf, 76. Growth Prioritization Comments_RESIDENT PANELS_180124.pdf, 77. UrbanFootprint Growth Scenarios Summary.pdf, 78. Mixed Use Draft Language_180126.pdf, 79. Relationship Between FLU Map and Neighborhood Plans.pdf, 80. Actions Summary for Top Five Strategies_180131.pdf, 81. Additional FLU Related Comments 180130.pdf, 82. Neighborhood Plans Map_January 2018.pdf, 83. 180312 FLU Map Requested Changes and Staff Recommendations.pdf, 84. 180312 MNA Comments on FLU Map.pdf, 85. 180312 PC Meeting - Additional Comments.pdf, 86. 031218 Comments.pdf, 87. Link_Ordinance_51349, 88. Link_PC_Reso_51391, 89. Link to Video Overview of Comp Polan
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsWatch
12/18/20171 HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024)    Action details Meeting details Not available
12/13/20171 BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS    Action details Meeting details Not available
12/13/20171 PUBLIC SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE    Action details Meeting details Not available
12/13/20171 TRANSIT AND PARKING COMMISSION (ended 06/2018)    Action details Meeting details Not available
12/13/20171 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/7/20171 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE    Action details Meeting details Not available
11/27/20171 SUSTAINABLE MADISON COMMITTEE Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/26/20171 HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024) Re-referPass Action details Meeting details Not available
8/3/20171 PLAN COMMISSION    Action details Meeting details Not available
7/20/20171 PLAN COMMISSION    Action details Meeting details Not available
7/13/20171 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
6/29/20171 HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024)    Action details Meeting details Not available
6/27/20171 PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE/MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION (ended 6/2018)    Action details Meeting details Not available
6/26/20171 PLAN COMMISSION    Action details Meeting details Not available
6/19/20171 SUSTAINABLE MADISON COMMITTEE    Action details Meeting details Not available
6/14/20171 TRANSIT AND PARKING COMMISSION (ended 06/2018)    Action details Meeting details Not available
6/7/20171 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/10/20171 BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS    Action details Meeting details Not available
3/20/20171 PLAN COMMISSION Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/24/20171 PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE/MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION (ended 6/2018)    Action details Meeting details Not available
1/23/20171 PLAN COMMISSION Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/23/20171 SUSTAINABLE MADISON COMMITTEE    Action details Meeting details Not available
1/18/20171 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/11/20171 BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS    Action details Meeting details Not available
1/4/20171 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/15/20161 HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024)    Action details Meeting details Not available
12/14/20161 TRANSIT AND PARKING COMMISSION (ended 06/2018)    Action details Meeting details Not available
11/28/20161 PLAN COMMISSION Discuss and continue  Action details Meeting details Not available
8/23/20161 Planning Division Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available


Planning Division staff update on Comprehensive Plan - Imagine Madison