Madison, WI Header
File #: 63920    Version: Name: 11716 - Men's Shelter Site
Type: Resolution Status: Defeated
File created: 1/26/2021 In control: FINANCE COMMITTEE
On agenda: 5/4/2021 Final action: 5/4/2021
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: SUBSTITUTE - Amending the 2021 Adopted Capital Budget for the Community Development Division’s Men’s Homeless Shelter capital project to accept and appropriate $3 million from Dane County and Aauthorizing the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Madison and BIP Enterprises, LLC, or their successors and assigns, for the purchase of the property located at 2002 Zeier Road in the City of Madison for homeless shelter purposes. (17th AD)
Sponsors: Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Tag Evers, Grant Foster, Yannette Figueroa Cole, Keith Furman, Jael Currie, Brian Benford, Patrick W. Heck, Juliana R. Bennett, Michael E. Verveer
Attachments: 1. 11716 PSA-Seller signed.pdf, 2. Men's Shelter v1.pdf, 3. Emailed Public Comments CDBG Committee 3-4-21.pdf, 4. RegistrantsReport-Public Speakers CDBG 3-4-21.pdf, 5. 3/16/21 CCEC Public Comment_63920.pdf, 6. Emailed Public Comments 3-1-21 CCHIC.pdf, 7. RegistrantsReport-CCHIC 3-1-21.pdf, 8. 3/30/21 CCEC Registration List_63920.pdf, 9. 3/30/21 CCEC Mtg_Emails_63920_part1.pdf, 10. 3/30/21 CCEC Mtg_Emails_63920_part2.pdf, 11. CCEC item 9 registrants.pdf, 12. 3/30/21 CC Mtg_All Alder Emails 63920.pdf, 13. 210330_Common Council Registrants Report Final.pdf, 14. 04-30-2021-Ald_Halverson_Comments.pdf, 15. 63920 written public comment for 5-4-21 Common Council meeting.pdf, 16. 210504_Common Council Registrants Report-Final.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsWatch
5/4/20212 COMMON COUNCIL Refer to a future Meeting to AdoptFail Action details Meeting details Not available
5/4/20212 COMMON COUNCIL AdoptFail Action details Meeting details Not available
3/30/20212 COMMON COUNCIL Refer to a future Meeting to AdoptPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/30/20212 COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Return to Lead with the Following Recommendation(s)Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/22/20212 FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICERPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/16/20212 COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Re-referPass Action details Meeting details Not available
3/4/20211 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE Return to Lead with the Following Recommendation(s)Fail Action details Meeting details Not available
3/1/20211 CITY-COUNTY HOMELESS ISSUES COMMITTEE Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Meeting details Not available
2/4/20211 FINANCE COMMITTEE Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/4/20211 FINANCE COMMITTEE Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/4/20211 FINANCE COMMITTEE Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
2/2/20211 COMMON COUNCIL ReferPass Action details Meeting details Not available
1/26/20211 Economic Development Division Referred for Introduction  Action details Meeting details Not available

Fiscal Note

The proposed resolution authorizes amending Community Development Division’s Men’s Homeless Shelter capital project to accept $3 million from Dane to County and to purchase the property located at 2002 Zeier Road in the City of Madison for homeless shelter purposes. The estimated cost for the property acquisition is $2,600,000 plus an estimated $400,000 for environmental studies, closing costs, and architectural/engineering services to prepare plans for the renovation/conversion of the site to a permanent men’s homeless shelter. The property purchase will be funded by the $3 million already included in the 2021 Adopted Capital budget. This amendment will increase the total project budget to $6 million.


SUBSTITUTE - Amending the 2021 Adopted Capital Budget for the Community Development Division’s Men’s Homeless Shelter capital project to accept and appropriate $3 million from Dane County and Aauthorizing the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Madison and BIP Enterprises, LLC, or their successors and assigns, for the purchase of the property located at 2002 Zeier Road in the City of Madison for homeless shelter purposes. (17th AD)


WHEREAS, BIP Enterprises, LLC (“Seller”) is the owner of the property located at 2002 Zeier Road, which contains 2.67 acres improved with a 31,550 square foot retail building (“Property”), legally described as follows:




WHEREAS, the City of Madison (“City”) desires to purchase the Property on which to establish, in partnership with Dane County, a facility that will provide shelter services to men experiencing homelessness; and


WHEREAS, the City Mayor directed City Real Estate Staff to pursue the purchase of one or more properties suitable for such use; and


WHEREAS, the City’s acquisition of the Property would allow the City, in collaboration with Dane County, to create a new space to serve individuals experiencing homelessness; and


WHEREAS, the Dane County Executive recommended to the Dane County Board the inclusion of up to $3 million in the County’s 2021 Capital Budget for use to support the purchase or development of property for a new overnight shelter serving men in Dane County who are experiencing homelessness; and


WHEREAS, the City adopted Resolution File ID 62725, Enactment No. RES-20-00776 on November 24, 2020 for the Community Development Division to plan and implement a homeless shelter project, including the acquisition of property for such purpose; and


WHEREAS the completion of architectural/engineering work is the first step toward converting the existing facility located on the Property to a permanent men’s homeless shelter; and


WHEREAS, the Seller agrees, by virtue of an executed Purchase and Sale Agreement (“Agreement”), to sell the Property to the City for a purchase price of $2,600,000, which was negotiated based upon an appraisal approved by the City’s Office of Real Estate Services.



NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Community Development Division’s 2021 Adopted Capital Budget is amended to accept $3,000,000 in county sources revenue and to appropriate the full $3,000,000 to the Men’s Homeless Shelter capital project.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City’s Common Council hereby authorizes the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement, as Buyer, for the purchase of the Property subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement attached hereto. 


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City’s Common Council authorizes City Engineering to expedite the procurement of architectural/engineering services to prepare plans for the renovation/conversion of the Property to a men’s homeless shelter using project funds.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City will continue to collaborate with Dane County to establish a permanent men’s homeless shelter, including by pursuing and applying any funds, which may be authorized by the Dane County Board of Supervisors to help acquire and/or renovate the Property for this use.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign, accept, and record any and all documents and legal instruments required to complete the transaction contemplated in this resolution, on a form and in a manner that has been approved by the City Attorney.