Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution accepts the final report and recommendations of the President's Work Group to Review Council Communication Tools & Processes. The resolution adopts the recommendations listed under "Priority Recommendations" and expresses the Council’s expectation that the recommendations will be implemented.
The Common Council, Attorney’s Office, and Information Technology are identified as agencies involved with the implementations. At this time exact costs cannot be determined but it is expected there will be staff time involved, including potential overtime. IT has identified that some of the recommendations may require capital budget appropriations. IT has also identified approximately $20,000 in annual costs for a social media management tool and a system to manage electronic public comment.
Implementation of these recommendations may require future appropriations.
Accepting the final report and recommendations of the President's Work Group to Review Council Communication Tools & Processes.
WHEREAS, the President’s Work Group to Review Council Communication Tools & Processes was created by Resolution, Legislative File No. 56505 and adopted by the Common Council on July 16, 2019; and,
WHEREAS, work group members included Ald. Grant Foster (chair), Ald. Patrick Heck, Ald. Max Prestigiacomo, Ald. Arvina Martin and former members Ald. Barbara Harrington-McKinney, Ald. Lindsay Lemmer, Ald. Donna Moreland and Ald. Keith Furman and was staffed by Lisa Veldran, Common Council Staff, and assisted by Eric Olson, Web Manager from the Information Technology Department; and,
WHEREAS, the work group first convened on August 12, 2019 and met over a series of twenty-three (23) meetings that provided an opportunity for alders to understand, discuss and develop recommendations around Council communications tools and processes with the desire to improve alder communication to city residents; and,
WHEREAS, the work group was tasked with revi...
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