Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves plans and specifications and authorizes the Parks Division to issue a change order to Contract 8222 for the access and decking improvements on top of the concession and restroom building at Breese Stevens Field. The cost of the change order is $218,325. The estimated total cost of this project is $2,063,026.40, including contingency. Funding is available in the Breese Stevens Field Improvements (Munis 17158).
Approving plans and specifications for access and decking improvements on top of the concession and restroom building at Breese Stevens Field and approving a change order to Contract 8222 for the work. (2nd AD)
In 2017, the Parks Division completed a planning report for future improvements at Breese Stevens Field. The report included the proposed access and decking improvements associated with this resolution. The improvements were originally anticipated to occur in later phase of construction, but with professional soccer coming to the facility in 2019, they are being combined in the existing concession/restroom building construction contract to provide the most efficient and logical construction sequence.
1) That the plans and specifications for the access and decking improvements on top of the concession and restroom building at Breese Stevens Field are hereby approved.
2) That change order number 2 to contract 8222 for construction of the access and decking improvements on top of the concession and restroom building at Breese Stevens Field, is hereby approved.
3) That the Parks Superintendent, City Engineer and Finance Director are hereby authorized to obtain all Furnishings, Fixtures, Equipment and Materials necessary for the Project in accordance with City Purchasing Policy.
4) That the City Engineer and Finance Director are hereby authorized to obtain and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute any documents required for remediation, testing, inspection and consulting services as necessary for the Project in accordance with Madison General Ordinances and City Policy, on a form and in a manner that has been approved by the City Attorney and Risk Manager.