Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2018 Parks Division Capital Budget Olbrich Botanical Complex project (Project #17193) by increasing expenditure authority by $2,000,000. This increased expenditure authority is funded by $1,000,000 in General Obligation debt and $1,000,000 in private donations.
This resolution transfers existing general obligation supported funding authorization of $565,000 from the 2018 Facilities Management Capital Budget Park Facility Improvements project (Project #10564) to offset the increased General Obligation Debt. This resolution transfers existing general obligation supported funding authorization of $140,400 from the 2017 Parks Division Capital Budget Park Facility Improvements project (Project #17443) to offset the increased General Obligation Debt.
Additionally, this project transfers $294,600 in existing project resources from the Parks Division’s Splash Parks projects (Project #s 10822 and 10823) to the Olbrich Botanical Complex project.
Amending the 2018 Adopted Capital Budgets of the Parks Division and Engineering - Facilities Management Division for the Olbrich Botanical Gardens - Expansion project. (6th AD)
WHEREAS, the Olbrich Botanical Gardens Expansion project includes the construction of a 9,200 square foot Learning Center and a new 11,000 square foot Greenhouse to replace the existing antiquated structure; and
WHEREAS, the Olbrich Botanical Gardens Expansion project has been jointly planned and funded with the Olbrich Botanical Society; and
WHEREAS, the Expansion project has been planned and designed with the goal of meeting the project budget including scaling back initial designs; and
WHEREAS, there have been unanticipated costs associated with the project that put the estimated cost of completion at above the authorized project budget; and
WHEREAS, the first significant unanticipated cost is the requirement of the entire Olbrich Botanical Gardens campus of connected buildings meet current fire protection and life safety codes including providing a fire protection main, complete sprinkler coverage, smoke and fire proof doors, and a fire access lane; and
WHEREAS, the second significant unanticipated cost is the additional structural requirements being caused by poor soil conditions which will not accommodate a traditional spread footing type foundation to support the new structures; and
WHEREAS, the third significant unanticipated cost is related to land disturbance that will require Olbrich Botanical Gardens to design and execute a Storm Water Management plan that will address requirements for this and future projects as required by MGO 37.06; and
WHEREAS, Olbrich Botanical Society is willing to continue to share in the costs of this project on an equal basis; and
WHEREAS, the Warner Park Beach House replacement is included in the 2018 Adopted Capital Budget for Engineering - Facilities Management and the Cherokee Caretaker House project is included in the 2018 Adopted Capital Budget for the Parks Division; and
WHEREAS, the Warner Park Beach House and Cherokee Caretaker House projects are not moving forward in 2018 based on project prioritization of the Parks Division and will be considered as a part future the future Capital Budget process; and
WHEREAS, the Parks Division has identified existing resources that can be reallocated from the Elver and Reindahl Splash Parks project that were under budget when completed and the additional resources were not identified previously due to project spanning the financial system conversion.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2018 Parks Division Capital Budget be amended to authorize $2,000,000 in additional expenditure authority, funded by a $705,400 transfer of borrowing authority, a $294,600 in transfer of existing resources from other capital projects, and $1,000,000 in private contributions to the Olbrich Botanical Complex expansion project as described in the fiscal note.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2018 Parks Division and Engineering-Facilities Management Capital Budgets are amended to transfer expenditure authorization and/or available project cash from other projects to the Olbrich Botanical Gardens Expansion project as described in the fiscal note.