Fiscal Note
The 2016 Information Technology (IT) operating budget includes $4,000 for recycling fees (MUNIS 17200-54245) and $8,000 (MUNIS 17200-48110) for the sale of assets. The fees are paid to Cascade Asset Management for each piece of equipment sent for recycling regardless of whether the equipment can be refurbished and resold. If the piece of equipment can be refurbished and sold, Cascade credits IT with a rebate against future processing fees. At the end of the year, a reconciliation is performed and Cascade pays the City any balance due.
The proposed resolution would allow IT to donate computers and laptops that Cascade Asset Management deems capable of being refurbished to DANEnet, who would in turn donate the refurbished equipment to qualified Digital Divide subscribers. Cascade Asset Management would donate the refurbishment services.
Cascade Asset Management will also be donating refurbished equipment from their corporate partners. At this point, IT cannot estimate how many City laptops and computers will be donated and therefore, the fiscal impacts of participation in this program cannot be determined. IT believes the impact will be minimal and any loss in rebate revenue will be absorbed within their 2016 operating budget. No appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing Information Technology to donate computers/laptops sent to DANEnet Cascade Asset Management for refurbishment and redistribution to qualified subscribers in the Digital Divide Pilot areas.
WHEREAS, the City has a two year pilot project underway to provide low-cost, high-speed Internet service to four areas (Kennedy Heights Apartments, Allied Drive NRT, Darbo/Worthington NRT, and Brentwood NRT) in an effort to bridge the Digital Divide; and
WHEREAS, the City has identified that, in addition to low-cost Internet service, educational services and low-cost or free devices for qualified subscribers in the pilot areas are needed and will be coordinated by D...
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