Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
Supporting a Dane County Regional Transit Authority
WHEREAS the City of Madison has participated in seeking regional solutions for transportation problems through planning all modes transportation for autos, bus, bike, and pedestrian movements via the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison through a series of intergovernmental agreements has expanded the Madison Metro system to serve other communities with limited transit services; and
WHEREAS the City of Madison was on record supporting the creation of the Dane County Regional Transit Authority (DCRTA); and
WHEREAS City of Madison staff from Metro and City Planning have participated in the yearlong DCRTA planning effort seeking an expanded transit system for the region; and
WHEREAS the DCRTA adopted a policy to have a referendum at a regularly scheduled election in the RTA area prior to any imposition of a sales tax.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison strongly supports the continued existence and functions of the Dane County Regional Transit Authority.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City supports modifications to the statutory authority of the RTA, as included in Governor Walker’s 2011-12 state budget - including the requirement of a binding referendum prior to any imposition of a sales tax to support transit.
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED the City supports a further change in RTA legislation that would permit elected officials from city, village, town, and county governments to serve on the RTA Board of Directors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Madison pledges to work closely with the RTA as it works to create an integrated multimodal transportation system (that helps reduce future congestion and meets the varied needs of residents and employers); and such an integrated multimodal system will include new public transportation services, which must be carefully coordinated with existing ...
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