Fiscal Note
No appropriation is required.
To adopt policy guidelines for use by the Alcohol License Review Committee (ALRC) in the ALRC’s review and recommendation process for operators license applications.
WHEREAS, the Alcohol License Review Committee (ALRC) currently operates without any type of policy or guideline when evaluating and considering operators license applications. Chapter 125 of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter 38 of the Madison General Ordinances State that operators’ licenses are to be issued only to qualified applicants for the benefit of the public health, safety and welfare;
WHEREAS, there is a desire on the part of the ALRC to have a written policy in place so that operators license applications are handled in a fair and consistent manner;
WHEREAS, a written policy will provide operators license applicants with notice as to what potential circumstances in their background may result in the applicant appearing before the ALRC, and what circumstances may potentially result in the ALRC recommending denial of an application;
WHEREAS, the policy guidelines incorporate the criteria regarding qualifications for operators licenses contained in Chapter 125 of the Wisconsin Statutes (the alcohol beverages regulation chapter), and provides the ALRC with more specific information regarding criteria to be used in evaluating operators license applications and in making recommendations for approval or denial to the Common Council;
WHEREAS, alcohol is no ordinary commodity and dispensing alcohol in any type of establishment requires good supervision. Operator license applicants with criminal records which substantially relate to the activities of dispensing and handling alcohol are less likely to exercise sound judgment in performing their supervision responsibilities;
WHEREAS, alcohol-related problems and police calls are prevalent in the City of Madison and the City of Madison should work toward reducing alcohol-related problems a...
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