Fiscal Note
No expenditure is required.
Commending and expressing appreciation to John Swee, Administrative Clerk 1, upon his retirement from City Service.
WHEREAS, John Swee will retire on January 3, 2011 after over 18 years of service to the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, John began his career with the Department of Transportation as a Clerk Typist on October 11, 1992 and was promoted to an Information Clerk in April 1997. In January of 2002, John was again promoted to an Administrative Clerk I, where he administered the monthly parking program.
WHEREAS, his vast knowledge and experience of Transportation Department operations including the monthly parking program, residential parking program, accident reporting, meter bag and other permit programs is recognized and will be missed.
WHEREAS, John created strong relationships with the public and monthly parking customers and demonstrated what it means to provide exceptional customer service by treating each person to come through the door as both a customer and a friend.
WHEREAS, he is recognized and will be remembered as a strong team-player who helped foster a cooperative work environment and served as a roll model for work ethic and dedication among his peers, and whom supervisors and co-workers could always rely on, "Lord willing and the creek don't rise".
WHEREAS, his fellow employees wish him a long, healthy, and happy retirement;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council express thanks and sincere appreciation to John Swee for his 18 years of dedicated service to the City of Madison.