Fiscal Note
Budget authority is available in the following Acct. Nos.:
CS53-58250-810355-00-53W1622 $39,950
CS53-58270-810355-00-53W1622 $6,650
ES01-58275-810332-00-53W1622 $38,400
EW01-58273-810455-00-53W1622 $40,000
Total $125,000
Assessable $15,154
City $109,846
Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Morrison Court Reconstruction Assessment District - 2014.
The Board of Public Works and the City Engineer having made reports of all proceedings in relation to the improvement of Morrison Court Reconstruction Assessment District - 2014 pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council, ID No. 33893, which resolution was adopted in accordance with Sec. 66.0701 (formerly Sec. 66.62) of the Wisconsin Statutes and Sec. 4.09 of the Madison General Ordinances and having in all things duly conformed to the order of the Common Council in relation thereto, and the provisions of the Madison General Ordinances and the Wisconsin Statutes in such case made and provided, and the Common Council being fully advised.
WHEREAS, Morrison Ct. is a small private road off of S. Baldwin St. that serves six parcels over a thirty foot wide and one-hundred foot long private right-of-way easement that was created in 1926 when the properties were first subdivided; and
WHEREAS, City Engineering records indicate the existing sanitary sewer within Morrison Ct was installed in 1904 and is identified as publicly owned and maintained; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Water Utility records indicate the existing water main located within Morrison Ct was installed in 1927 and is identified as publicly owned and maintained; and
WHEREAS, City Engineering records suggest that Morrison Ct. was reconstructed in 1963 by the City; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Streets Division managers and records indicate that public services (i.e. snow removal, refuse and recycling collection) have been provided to Morrison Ct properties for many years, li...
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