Fiscal Note
The annual facility rental payments range from $8,000 in 2016 to $42,000 in 2022, averaging approximately $27,000 per year ($188,000 over the seven year life of the agreement). The City will save approximately $27,500 annually in utility costs which will be reimbursed by BIG TOP EVENTS LLC ($190,000 over the seven year life of the agreement). These funds will be deposited in the Parks Division Operating Budget to offset expenditure and service delivery growth. The agreement has no impact on the $10,000 annually paid by the Madison Metropolitan School District to the Parks Division for the use of Breese Stevens Stadium.
The agreement also provides for a contribution of at least $100,000 in capital funding.
The total value of the seven year agreement is approximately $478,000 plus the added value of additional staff time that will not be needed to manage the day to day operation of the facility.
If the agreement is mutually agreed to be extended, the value to the City would be another $150,000 in utility savings, $250,000 in facility use fees, and another $100,000 in capital investments for a total of $500,000 plus the added value of additional staff time that will not be needed to manage the day to day operation of the facility.
Authorizing the City to enter into Use Agreement with Big Top Events LLC for the management of concessions, alcohol, events and facility operations at Breese Stevens Stadium for 2015-2022 (2nd Ald. Dist.)
WHEREAS, the City of Madison believes it is in the public’s interest to afford the citizens of the City an opportunity to attend, participate in, and view athletic, sporting, concert, and special events at historic Breese Stevens Stadium in the rapidly developing East Washington corridor; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes the considerable knowledge and specialized skills required to successfully operate a multi-use Stadium facility; and
WHEREAS, the City issued RFP# 8424-0-2015/DA to request proposal...
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