Fiscal Note
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Commending, honoring and expressing thanks and appreciation to Tom Adamowicz, Housing Inspection Supervisor, upon his retirement from City service.
WHEREAS, Tom Adamowicz is retiring on December 28, 2010, after 32 years of service to the City of Madison. Tom began his career as a Code Enforcement Officer I (Building Inspector/Minimum Housing Inspector) and progressed to Code Enforcement Officer III. In August of 1992, Tom was promoted to Code Enforcement Officer IV and functioned as the Section Lead Worker until he became the Minimum Housing Supervisor on July 1, 2007.
WHEREAS, during Tom’s service to the City he functioned as staff to the team that developed the City’s first Energy Code which received a National award. He participated in numerous Quality Improvement Initiatives and received a letter of accommodation for his work in addressing equal enforcement in the administration of code enforcement. Tom also worked as part of a team that helped create the first Rent Impairing List for the City’s Rent Abatement Ordinance and also was instrumental in the development, implementation and ongoing improvements to our Permitting and Code Enforcement tracking software programs.
WHEREAS, Tom’s broad general knowledge of construction and mechanical practices made him the ideal candidate for training new Housing and Property Maintenance staff as they joined the Division.
WHEREAS, Tom will be remembered as a dedicated public servant, who by his actions demonstrated to other employees what it means to provide excellent customer service to our external as well as internal customers.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council commend, honor and express thanks and appreciation to Tom Adamowicz for his 32 years of service to the City of Madison and express sincere appreciation for his dedication to his work and that the Mayor and Common Council join all City employees in wishing Tom, and his w...
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