Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Recognizing May 5, 2010 as Cinco de Mayo, congratulating our Mexican and Mexican American citizens on this significant day and thanking them for their ongoing contributions to the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison recognizes its diversity as one of its greatest strength and appreciates the culture and history of our various communities of people, all of whom add to the greatness of our City, and;
WHEREAS, Cinco de Mayo, or the Fifth of May, is an event of historical significance and profound meaning to Mexicans and Mexican Americans, and;
WHEREAS, the Cinco de Mayo celebration commemorates the victory of the Mexican troops, which consisted almost entirely of indigenous soldiers, over the French invading army at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, and;
WHEREAS, each year, Cinco de Mayo recalls the spirit, determination, and strength of the Mexican people who have and continue to make significant contributions to the City of Madison; and;
WHEREAS, this event marked by festivities that illustrate the pride of the Mexican community is a fitting means by which to commemorate a defining moment in Mexican history, and it is furthermore appropriate that Madisonians of all cultural backgrounds join with our Mexican and Mexican-American friends in celebrating the ideals of friendship and liberty,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Council hereby recognizes May 5, 2010 as Cinco de Mayo,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Council congratulates our Mexican and Mexican American citizens on this significant day and thank them for their ongoing contributions to the City of Madison.