Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Commending and thanking Alderperson Tim Gruber for his dedicated service to the constituents in District 11 and to the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, Alderperson Tim Gruber was first elected to the Madison Common Council on April 5, 2005 and was re-elected in 2007; and,
WHEREAS, Alderperson Tim Gruber served on the ADA Transit Subcommittee to the Transit & Parking Commission, Joint West Campus Area Committee, Long Range Transportation Planning Commission, Madison Arts Commission, Plan Commission, Solid Waste Advisory Committee and the Zoning Code Rewrite Advisory Committee; and,
WHEREAS, during his tenure he spoke and voted (twice) against repeal of the smoking ban (smoke-free work places), worked with Friends of Hoyt Park on an update of the Hoyt Park Plan, gave input into plans for Sequoya Commons (Midvale Plaza), Hilldale, and Hill Farms State Office Building site, worked with city staff and the Sunset Village Neighborhood to obtain more playground equipment and other improvements for Lucia Crest Park, introduced a resolution that directed the Water Utility to develop a public participation process for new facilities, sponsored an ordinance change that requires recycling plans for special events that require a street use permit, sponsored and worked on an ordinance that will require recycling of construction and demolition materials (in process), and provided input into the Zoning Code rewrite (in process); and,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Common Council commend and thank Alderperson Tim Gruber for his dedicated service to the constituents in District 11 and to the City of Madison and wish him well in all his future endeavors.