Fiscal Note
No appropriation required.
Commending and thanking Alderperson Chris Schmidt for his dedicated service to his constituents in District 11 and the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, Alderperson Chris Schmidt was first elected on April 7, 2009 to represent the 11th District; and,
WHEREAS, Alderperson Chris Schmidt served on the Ad Hoc Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee, ADA Transit Subcommittee to the TPC, Administrative Review Board, Board of Estimates, Common Council Organizational Committee, Jeffrey Clay Erlanger Civility in Public Discourse Award Committee, Joint West Campus Area Committee, Long Range Transportation Planning Committee, Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (MPO), Performing Arts Study Steering Committee, Sustainable Madison Transportation Master Plan Oversight Committee (Madison in Motion), TIF Policy Review Ad Hoc Committee and Transit and Parking Commission; and,
WHEREAS, Alderperson Chris Schmidt served as Common Council President Pro Tem for the 2012 - 2013 term and Common Council President for the 2013 - 2014 and 2014 - 2015 terms; and,
WHEREAS, during Alderperson Schmidt’s tenure as Common Council President he held a variety of discussions, briefings and informational presentations for Council members that included information on significant development projects in the city, a review of the city’s TIF policy, addressing equity and reducing racial disparities in the city, planning for the emerald ash borer infestation, climate change, Madison’s Public Market proposal, redesign of the Madison Municipal Building and the impact of tourism in the city of Madison; and,
WHEREAS, his work on the city's landmarks ordinance was hailed as a successful model of cooperation between public and private interests and now acts as a template for future ordinance chapter reviews; and,
WHEREAS, Alderperson Schmidt through his unflagging dedication to his aldermanic duties has faithfully and with honor served his constituents a...
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