Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution incorporates Health & Safety Goals, Strategies, and Actions, into the City's Performance Excellence Framework, the planned Results Madison framework, and in an interim update to the Imagine Madison comprehensive plan. Health & Safety, along with existing elements of the Imagine Madison comprehensive plan, will help guide budget development and review once Results Madison is implemented. No City appropriation is required.
SUBSTITUTE: Incorporating Health & Safety Goals, Strategies, and Actions into the City’s Performance Excellence Framework
WHEREAS, the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2018 included Goals, Strategies, and Actions for six Elements of a Great City, including Land Use & Transportation, Neighborhoods & Housing, Economy & Opportunity, Culture & Character, Green & Resilient, and Effective Government; and
WHEREAS, Imagine Madison’s Goals, Strategies, and Actions, as outlined in Appendix A of the Plan (ref: Legistar 51349), were developed through a robust community engagement process, which creates a framework for the City and community to achieve real outcomes toward a desired future state; and
WHEREAS, the topics covered by the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan generally reflect the required content outlined in Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning Law (Wisconsin Statute 66.1001(2)), which does not represent the full scope of City agencies’ work; and
WHEREAS, the Performance Excellence Framework was adopted in 2018 establishing seven Elements of a Great City, adding Health & Safety to the six Elements of the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan, in order to fully encompass the work of all City agencies (ref: Legistar 51409); and
WHEREAS, the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan and Performance Excellence play an important role in the City’s day to day decision-making and work planning; and
WHEREAS, the Imagine Madison Comprehensive Plan and Performance Excellence play a key role in the C...
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