Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution approves revisions to the grant contract between the City and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The City has already accepted a federal transportation grant on behalf of the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board - An MPO for $92,000 in 2020 to operate the Rideshare Etc. program. The City’s match for this grant is $23,000 in 2020. The City’s share of the costs will be paid in the form of staff salaries, benefits, and purchased services, which are included in the City’s 2020 Adopted Operating Budget. No additional City appropriation is required.
Authorizing the City of Madison on behalf of the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board - An MPO to revise the contract/project agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for a federal grant of $92,000 for operating the MPO’s Rideshare Etc. program and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the revised grant contract and state/municipal agreement.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Planning Division provides staffing for the Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (MATPB) - A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the city serves as the MPO’s fiscal and administrative agent; and
WHEREAS, MATPB operates the Rideshare Etc. program, which provides ride-matching and alternative transportation promotion services, works with employers to conduct travel demand management (TDM) programs, coordinates TDM efforts of other agencies and organizations, provides assistance on other initiatives to promote transportation alternatives, including employer-based commuter challenges, and produces and disseminates marketing materials; and
WHEREAS, MATPB and the City of Madison recognize the need for and benefits of TDM programs and other strategies to promote the use of transit, car/vanpooling, bicycling, and walking in the region; and
WHEREAS, MATPB uses some of the federal transportation funding it receives as an MPO under the Surface Transportation Block Grant - Urban program to support the Rideshare Etc. program; and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) administers the federal funding for the MPO and has provided this federal funding in the amount of $92,000 to the City of Madison on behalf of the MPO for operating the Rideshare Etc. program in 2020; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison on behalf of the MPO approved WisDOT grants for 2019 and 2020 for the Rideshare Etc. program in early 2019 via Resolution 54152; and
WHEREAS, the grant contract with WisDOT to operate the Rideshare Etc. program in 2020 must be revised to modify the scope of services to clarify that some of the funding may be spent to contract with private third party vendors for software to assist with commuter challengers and/or for design and production of new digital and print marketing materials for the program following a current program rebranding process; and
WHEREAS, the grant contract with WisDOT to operate the Rideshare Etc. program in 2020 is also being revised to extend the time period within which activities may be conducted and billing completed to June 30, 2021 in order to ensure that any unspent funds at the end of the calendar may still be used and not lost; and
WHEREAS, WisDOT's federal contract language requires the City to indemnify and save harmless WisDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) from damages to persons or property resulting from negligence of the City in connection with performance of the contract; and
WHEREAS, City APM 1-1 requires Council approval whenever the City indemnifies another party.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Madison is authorized to enter into a revised contract/project agreement with WisDOT for the $92,000 grant to operate the Rideshare Etc. program in 2020, which the city has previously accepted, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign the revised project contract and State/Municipal Agreement for 2020 (5992-08-37).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City is authorized to indemnify and save harmless WisDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) from damages to persons or property resulting from negligence of the City in connection with performance of these contracts.