Madison, WI Header
File #: 78911    Version: 1 Name: Milwaukee Voit Rezone
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/18/2023 In control: Attorney's Office
On agenda: 6/18/2024 Final action: 6/18/2024
Enactment date: 6/29/2024 Enactment #: ORD-24-00041
Title: Creating Section 28.022-00634 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to CC-T (Commercial Corridor-Transitional) District, and creating Section 28.022-00635 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to TR-V2 (Traditional Residential-Varied 2) District, and creating Section 28.022-00636 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to TR-U2 (Traditional Residential-Urban 2) District, and creating Section 28.022-00637 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to PR (Parks and Recreation) District, and creating ...
Sponsors: Planning Division
Attachments: 1. 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 2. Voit Zoning Map, 3. Link to Demo File 78643, 4. Link to Prelim Plat File 78642, 5. Staff Comments_Addendum, 6. Public Comment 06-14-24.pdf, 7. 061424-061824_CC_public_comments.pdf, 8. 062424_CC_public_comments.pdf, 9. Disposition Letter
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsWatch
6/18/20241 COMMON COUNCIL TablePass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20241 COMMON COUNCIL Take Off The TablePass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/18/20241 COMMON COUNCIL Adopt and Close the Public HearingPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/10/20241 PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - RECESSED PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Meeting details Not available
9/5/20231 COMMON COUNCIL Re-refer for Recessed Public HearingPass Action details Meeting details Not available
8/28/20231 PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO RE-REFER - PUBLIC HEARINGPass Action details Meeting details Not available
7/25/20231 COMMON COUNCIL Refer For Public HearingPass Action details Meeting details Not available
7/18/20231 Attorney's Office Referred for Introduction  Action details Meeting details Not available

Fiscal Note

No City appropriation required.


Creating Section 28.022-00634 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to CC-T (Commercial Corridor-Transitional) District, and creating Section 28.022-00635 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to TR-V2 (Traditional Residential-Varied 2) District, and creating Section 28.022-00636 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to TR-U2 (Traditional Residential-Urban 2) District, and creating Section 28.022-00637 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to PR (Parks and Recreation) District, and creating Section 28.022-00638 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street, 15th Alder District, from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to CN (Conservancy) District. (District 15)


DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS:  This ordinance amendment rezones property located at 3420-3614 Milwaukee Street from Temp. A (Agricultural) District to CC-T (Commercial Corridor-Transitional), TR-V2 (Traditional Residential-Varied 2), TR-U2 (Traditional Residential-Urban 2), PR (Parks and Recreation), and CN (Conservancy) District for proposed “Starkweather Plat” subdivision.



The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:


                     1.                     Map Amendment 00634 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:


“28.022-00634. The following described property is hereby rezoned to CC-T (Commercial Corridor-Transitional) District.


Part of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, T7N, R10E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N89°42’21”W, 459.14 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence continuing N89°42’21”W, 125.85 feet to a point of curvature; thence 388.32 along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 636.60 feet and a chord bearing N72°13’51”W, 382.33 feet; thence N54°45’21”W, 191.10 to a point of curvature; thence 221.68 feet along the arc of curve to the left having a radius of 1910.00 feet and a chord bearing N58°04’51”W, 221.56 feet; thence N61°24’21”W, 26.50 feet; thence N01°59’51”E, 67.10 feet; thence N61°24’21”W, 64.63 feet; thence N28°26’39”E, 33.26 feet; thence N83°20’03”E, 82.46 feet; thence N26°35’55”E, 51.17 feet; thence N54°15’21”E, 84.69 feet; thence N08°05’10”E, 75.96 feet; thence N00°01’07”W, 127.81 feet; thence N35°08’07”E, 96.85 feet; thence N37°18’03”E, 113.89 feet; thence N46°50’32”E, 162.43 feet to a point of curvature; thence 149.44 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 150.00 feet and a chord bearing S28°32’24”E, 143.33 feet; thence S00°00’00”E, 436.58 feet to a point of curvature; thence 60.37 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 300.00 feet and a chord bearing S05°45’52”W, 60.26 feet; thence S11°31’44”W, 140.07 feet; thence N90°00’00”E, 434.04 feet; thence S00°00’00”E, 313.69 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said described area contains 9.21 acres, more or less.”



                     2.                     Map Amendment 00635 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:


“28.022-00635. The following described property is hereby rezoned to TR-V2 (Traditional Residential-Varied 2), District.


Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5 and part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, all in T7N, R10E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N01°36’15”E, 47.04 feet; thence N89°39’32”E, 69.81 feet; thence N01°36’46”E, 268.71 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence N90°00’00”W, 230.68 feet; thence N00°14’42”W, 270.85 feet; thence N00°14’57”W, 80.01 feet; thence N00°15’11”W, 299.57 feet; thence N89°40’18”E, 251.87 feet; thence S01°36’46”W, 652.12 feet to the Point of Beginning;


TOGETHER with the following described lands:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N01°36’15”E, 47.04 feet; thence N89°39’32”E, 69.81 feet; thence N01°36’46”E, 268.71 feet; thence N90°00’00”W, 230.68 feet; thence continuing N90°00’00’W, 307.14 feet to the Point of Beginning of this described area; thence continuing N90°00’00”W, 434.04 feet; thence N11°31’44”E, 115.33 feet; thence N90°00’00”E, 410.99 feet; thence S00°00’00”E, 113.00 feet to the Point of Beginning;


TOGETHER with the following described lands:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N01°36’15”E, 47.04 feet; thence N89°39’32”E, 69.81 feet; thence N01°36’46”E, 268.71 feet; thence N90°00’00”W, 230.68 feet; thence N00°14’42”W, 270.85 feet; thence N00°14’57”W, 80.01 feet; thence N00°15’11”W, 299.57; thence S89°40’18”W, 304.32 feet to the Point of Beginning of this described area; thence S00°00’00”E, 134.83 feet; thence N90°00’00”W, 400.00 feet; thence N00°00’00”E, 119.94 feet to a point of curvature; thence 12.61 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and a chord bearing N02°24’31”W, 12.61 feet; thence N89°40’18”E, 400.53 feet to the Point of Beginning.


Said described areas contain 5.93 acres, more or less.”



                     3.                     Map Amendment 00636 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:


“28.022-00636. The following described property is hereby rezoned to TR-U2 (Traditional Residential-Urban 2) District.


Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5 and part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, all in T7N, R10 E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows:


Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 05; thence N89°42’21”W, 459.14 feet; thence N00°00’00”E, 426.69 feet; thence S90°00’00”W, 410.99 feet; thence N11°31’44”E, 24.74 feet to a point of curvature; thence 60.37 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 300.00 feet and a chord bearing N05°45'52”E, 60.26 feet; thence N00°00’00”W, 316.65 feet; thence S90°00’00”E, 400.00 feet; thence N00°00’00”E, 134.83 feet; thence N89°40’18”E, 304.32 feet; thence S00°15’11”E, 299.57 feet; thence S00°14’57”E, 80.01 feet; thence S00°14’42”E, 270.85 feet; thence N90°00’00”E, 230.68 feet; thence S01°36’46”W, 268.71 feet; thence S89°39’32”W, 69.81 feet; thence S01°36’15”W, 47.04 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said described area contains 12.03 acres, more or less.”



                     4.                     Map Amendment 00637 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:


“28.022-00637. The following described property is hereby rezoned to PR (Parks and Recreation) District.


Part of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5 and part of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, all in T7N, R10E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N01°36’15”E, 47.04 feet; thence N89°39’32”E, 69.81 feet; thence N01°36’46”E, 920.83 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence S89°40’18”W, 910.30 feet; thence N00°19’42”W, 46.93 feet; thence N75°52’19”E, 151.53 feet; thence N41°05’23”E, 104.07 feet; thence N80°00’14”E, 407.22 feet; thence N09°17’26”E, 151.39 feet; thence N52°47’16”E, 269.88 feet; thence S01°36’15”W, 506.11 feet; thence S89°59’35”E, 69.94 feet; thence S01°36’46”W, 34.52 feet to the Point of Beginning.


TOGETHER with the following described lands:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N01°36’15”E, 47.04 feet; thence N89°39’32”E, 69.81 feet; thence N01°36’46”E, 955.35 feet; thence N89°59’35”W, 69.94 feet; thence N01°36’15”E, 506.11 feet, more or less; thence continuing N01°36’15”E, 73.07 feet; thence N87°59’08”E, 27.82 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence N34°05’47”E, 143.18 feet; thence S87°59’08”W, 60.11 feet; thence N13°46’23”W, 64.79 feet; thence N10°12’42”E, 146.05 feet; thence N39°16’49”W, 131.61 feet; thence N50°51’54”W, 116.07 feet; thence N68°56’26”W, 60.59 feet; thence N12°51’33”E, 60.68 feet; thence N24°29’35”W, 50.10 feet; thence N86°32’39”E, 113.01 feet; thence S63°18’32”E, 126.12 feet; thence N81°43’48”E, 154.82 feet; thence N42°35’35”E, 10.91 feet; thence N87°59’08”E, 390.97 feet; thence S01°37’30”W, 541.99 feet; thence S61°00’03”W, 127.07 feet; thence S87°59’08”W, 444.07 feet to the Point of Beginning.


Said described areas contain 12.73 acres, more or less.”



                     5.                     Map Amendment 00638 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:


“28.022-00638. The following described property is hereby rezoned to CN (Conservancy) District.


Part of the Southeast Quarter, the Southwest Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 5 and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, all in T7N, R10E, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N89°42’21”W, 584.99 feet to a point of curvature; thence 388.32 along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 636.60 feet and a chord bearing N72°13’51”W, 382.33 feet; thence N54°45’21”W, 191.10 to a point of curvature; thence 221.68 feet along the arc of curve to the left having a radius of 1910.00 feet and a chord bearing N58°04’51”W, 221.56 feet; thence N61°24’21”W, 26.50 feet; thence N01°59’51”E, 67.10 feet; thence N61°24’21”W, 64.63 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence continuing N61°24’21”W, 55.84 feet; thence N28°45’53”E, 119.88 feet; thence N61°14’07”W, 40.00 feet; thence N28°45’53”E, 198.61 feet; thence N01°59’51”E, 15.56 feet; thence N30°08’17”E, 774.64 feet; thence N29°06’29”E, 164.88 feet; thence N16°19’46”E, 222.65 feet; thence N01°51’16”E, 299.85 feet; thence N53°54’34”E, 1034.95 feet; thence S01°36’15”W, 554.82 feet; thence N87°59’08”E, 190.71 feet; thence S42°35’35”W, 10.91 feet; thence S81°43’48”W, 154.82 feet; thence N63°18’32”W, 126.12 feet; thence S86°32’39”W, 113.01 feet; thence S24°29’35”E, 50.10 feet; thence S12°51’33”W, 60.68 feet; thence S68°56’26”E, 60.59 feet; thence S50°51’54”E, 116.07 feet; thence S39°16’49”E, 131.61 feet; thence S10°12’42”W, 146.05 feet; thence S13°46’23”E, 64.79 feet; thence N87°59’08”E, 60.11 feet; thence S34°05’47”W, 143.18 feet; thence S87°59’08”W, 27.82 feet; thence S01°36’15”W, 73.07 feet; thence S52°47’16”W, 269.88 feet; thence S09°17’26”W, 151.39 feet; thence S80°00’14”W, 407.22 feet; thence S41°05’23”W, 104.07 feet; thence S75°52’19”W, 151.53 feet; thence S00°19’42”E, 46.93 feet; thence S89°40’18”W, 46.42 feet to a point of curvature; thence 136.82 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and a chord bearing N30°56’55”W, 132.13 feet; thence S46°50’32”W, 162.43 feet; thence S37°18’03”W, 113.89 feet; thence S35°08’07”W, 96.85 feet; thence S00°01’07”E, 127.81 feet; thence S08°05’10”W, 75.96 feet; thence S54°15’21”W, 84.69 feet; thence S26°35’55”W, 51.17 feet; thence S83°20’03”W, 82.46 feet; thence S28°26’39”W, 33.26 feet to the Point of Beginning;


TOGETHER with the following described lands:


Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section 5; thence N01°36’15”E, 47.04 feet; thence N89°39’32”E, 69.81 feet; thence N01°36’46”E, 955.35 feet; thence N89°59’35”W, 69.94 feet; thence N01°36’15”E, 506.11 feet, more or less; thence continuing N01°36’15”E, 73.07 feet; thence N87°59’08”E, 27.82 feet; thence continuing N87°59’08”E, 444.07 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence N61°00’03”E, 127.07 feet; thence S01°37’30”W, 57.77 feet; thence S87°59’08”W, 109.57 feet to the point of beginning.


Said described areas contain 27.93 acres, more or less.”