Fiscal Note
The proposed ordinance update language in Section 3.11 regarding the Department of Public Works. The ordinance updates position titles and duties to be consistent with existing positions and practices. There is no fiscal impact to the proposed ordinance.
SUBSTITUTE: Amending Sections 3.11, 8.055, 10.10(1) and 1.08(4), and Repealing Sections 8.13 and 10.01 of the Madison General Ordinances to update and consolidate language relating to the Public Works Department, the Streets Superintendent and the City Forester.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This ordinance updates Section 3.11, establishing the Department of Public Works, to consolidate applicable language regarding the Fleet Service and Streets Divisions, and updates the ordinance language to be consistent with existing practices and positions. Under these amendments, Sections 8.13 and 10.01 are being repealed and largely recreated in Sec. 3.11(4). The Streets Division and Streets Superintendent duties are being updated to reflect current practices, and the formal title of the Streets Superintendent will be updated throughout the ordinances-legacy titles for that position, including the Street Superintendent, Street Commissioner, or Superintendent of Sanitation, remain scattered throughout the ordinances, leading to some confusion. The Engineering Division’s existing language is being updated to reflect other ordinances and existing practices. Existing language regarding a Director of Public Works is being replaced with the current position, the Public Works Team Leader. That position will continue to be appointed by the Mayor, but subject to Council approval through an employment contract. Additionally, while the Forestry section was moved to the Streets Division from the Parks Division in 2020, the ordinances have not been updated to reflect this change. Hence, this ordinance would update various sections to reflect that the Forester now reports to the Streets Superintendent and is part of ...
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