Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an agreement for the design, fabrication, and installation of sculptures for the median of the 200 block of S. Pinckney Street. The cost of the agreement is $53,000. The majority of funding will come from the Municipal Art Fund capital program within Planning ($30,000) and funding from Engineering's Pavement Management capital program ($20,000). This resolution also authorizes outside fundraising and financial support from the Friends of the Madison Arts Commission. Friends of the Madison Arts Commission agreed to fund up to $10,000 to cover the remaining costs of the agreement as well as contingency amounts, a plaque, and dedication event.
Approving Sunghee Min Metal Arts’ public art proposal to create two site-specific stainless steel sculptures for the median of the 200 block of S. Pinckney Street; and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an agreement for design, fabrication and installation between the City of Madison and Sunghee Min Metal Arts; and authorizing outside fundraising in support of this project and acceptance of private funds from the Friends of the Madison Arts Commission.
WHEREAS, both the Downtown Plan (2012) and the Comprehensive Plan (2018) contain recommendations about preserving important view corridors from vantage points within the Downtown and specifically identify the view down Pinckney Street towards Lake Monona from the Capitol Square as one of those corridors; and
WHEREAS, on October 31, 2022 the Madison Common Council passed RES-22-00724, File # 74147 Approving Plans, Specifications, and Schedule Of Assessments for S. Pinckney Street Assessment District - 2023. (4th AD), which included public art features as a component of the street's redesign, in the median of the 200 block of the S. Pinckney Street project, and was approved and authorized for bidding under File #74147 (RES-22-0072); and
WHEREAS, in March of 2022 the Madison Arts Commission (MAC) vett...
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