Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
Amending several sections of Chapter 28 of the Madison General Ordinances to create “Mission Boxes” as a permitted use in various districts.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This ordinance amends several sections of Chapter 28 to create “Missions Boxes” as a permitted use in all residential, mixed-use, commercial downtown and urban and employment districts. Mission Boxes are structures constructed or authorized by the owner of a parcel for the purpose of providing free items to the public, including, but not limited to, books, food, clothing and home goods. Mission Boxes will be permitted setback encroachments in the front, side and rear yard setbacks and MGO 28.132(1) is amended to reflect that allowance. Mission Boxes will also have several supplemental regulations, including size and structural limitations such as restrictions against impeding the right-of-way. MGO Sec. 28.151 (Supplemental Regulations) is amended to reflect those restrictions. Finally, the “Accessory Uses and Strictures” section in the Downtown and Urban Districts Use Table 28E-2 in MGO Sec. 28.072 is reordered in alphabetical order.
Please see Legistar File No. 73474 Body in attachments.