Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a contract with artist Ash Armenta to provide up to $7,080 to offset expenses related to the residency as the second Thurber Park Artist in Residence. Funding for the contract will come from the Planning Division’s Municipal Art Fund capital program, which has approximately $75,000 in available budget authority. No additional City appropriation is required.
Approving the Madison Arts Commission’s selection of Ash Armenta as the next Thurber Park Artist-in-Residence.
WHEREAS, on January 16, 2018, a lease with the Town of Blooming Grove was approved by Resolution No. RES-18-00069, File No. 49683, which will allow for the City to use the space located at 3325 Thurber Avenue as an artist studio; and
WHEREAS, using the Thurber Park facility for an art studio fulfills Darbo-Worthington-Starkweather Neighborhood Plan recommendations adopted by the Common Council on September 19, 2017, Resolution Enactment Number RES-15-00436, File ID No. 47509; and
WHEREAS, over the last three years the Madison Arts Commission, the Madison Arts Program Administrator and staff from Madison Public Library’s Bubbler, have worked to shape an equitable and inclusive residency program that will have positive impact on the surrounding community and the professional advancement of the participating artists; and
WHEREAS, during the first residency the Madison Public Library successfully managed the public outreach aspects of the arts residency in spite of additional challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, Madison Arts Program staff issued and widely publicized an open call for artists for the Thurber Park Artist-in-Residence opportunity on March 24, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Arts Commission Public Art Committee reviewed and scored 17 applications at their April 25, 2022 meeting and ranked the application of Ash Armenta the highest; and
WHEREAS, at their May 11, 2022 meeting, the full body of the Madison Arts Commission reviewed and approved the Public Art Committee’s recommendation to offer Ash Armenta the opportunity to serve as the next Thurber Park Artist in Residence; and
WHEREAS, Ash Armenta’s application showed the ability to work with the community and to create a work of outdoor permanent public art; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Arts Commission recommends Ash Armenta be provided $7,080 to offset expenses related to the residency; and
WHEREAS, the Madison Arts Commission will identify an appropriate opportunity for the selected artist to create a permanent public art piece for the City’s collection for which, if approved by the Common Council, the artist may receive further compensation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council approves of the selection of Ash Armenta to be the next artist-in-residence at Thurber Park.
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Common Council authorizes the Planning Division Director to sign a contract on behalf of the City with artist Ash Armenta, setting forth the terms of their occupancy of the studio space as Artist-in-Residence and providing a fee not to exceed $7,080 for their services and expenses related to occupancy of the studio space, open studios, workshops, supplies, and initial design of a public art work for Madison’s public art collection. The contract shall be in a form approved by the City Attorney and Risk Manager and counter-signed by the Finance Director.