Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes an amendment to the Streets Capital Budget to support costs associated with the construction of the West Badger Road Salt Storage Barn. The original budget of $810,000 was included as a standalone project in the 2019 Capital Improvement Plan (design and construction scheduled for 2021-22). The project was authorized for design and construction in 2021 through the 2021 Adopted Capital Budget. In September 2020, an additional $260,000 was transferred to the project to reflect updated scope (RES-20-00614).
Due to project delays, construction inflation, and an updated design, the revised project cost is estimated at $2,264,000. The resolution would authorize $1,194,000 in transfers from the following MUNIS projects to the Streets Division - West Badger Road Salt Storage Barn (MUNIS 44001).
MUNIS # Amount Proprosed Additional Funding Source
12436 $309,000 Streets Division 2020 - Streets Minor Build IMP & REP
13635 285,000 Streets Division 2022 - Sreets Equipment
13131 95,000 Eng. Div. - FM, General Building Improvements (2021)
13612 40,000 Eng. Div - FM, General Building Improvements (2022)
12358 115,000 Eng. Div - FM, Streets Building Improvements (2021)
10228 140,000 Eng. Div. - Streets Buckeye
13142 210,000 Eng. Div. - Streets - Pavement Management
Total Project Budget:
2021 Cap Budget $810,000
RES-20-00614 260,000
Legistar 69912 1,194,000
The proposed resolution also approves plans and specifications and authorizes the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the Streets Division - West Badger Road Salt Storage Barn.
Amending the 2022 Adopted Capital Budget and approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for the Streets Division - West Badger Road Salt Storage Barn. (14th AD)
After careful review, and internal planning by city staff, it has been determin...
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