Madison, WI Header
File #: 68084    Version: 1 Name: South Madison Plan
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 10/26/2021 In control: PLAN COMMISSION
On agenda: 1/4/2022 Final action: 1/4/2022
Enactment date: 1/10/2022 Enactment #: RES-22-00026
Title: Adopting the South Madison Plan as a supplement to the Comprehensive Plan and directing staff to implement the recommendations contained in the plan.
Sponsors: Sheri Carter, Tag Evers
Attachments: 1. South Madison Plan-Draft_11-02-21.pdf, 2. Public Comments-Draft Plan.pdf, 3. Public Comments_11-02-21.pdf, 4. SMP_CDA_memo.pdf, 5. SMP_TPPB_memo.pdf, 6. ED_memo_Nov17.pdf, 7. South Madison Plan MEMO-Housing Strategy Comm Nov 18 2021.pdf, 8. South Madison Plan PRESENTATION-Housing Strategy Comm Nov 18 2021.pdf, 9. SMP_UDC_memo.pdf, 10. SMP_draft_plan_TPPB.pdf, 11. SMP_CDA_draft_plan_presentation.pdf, 12. Public Comment FW_ 11_17 Agenda Item 2_ South Madison Plan.pdf, 13. Public_Comments_UDC_11-17-21.pdf, 14. Emailed Public Comments-Housing Strategy Commitee 11-18-2021.pdf, 15. MEMO South Madison Plan CDBG 12-2-2021.pdf, 16. South Madison Plan Draft BPC 12.8.21 Presentation.pdf, 17. South Madison Plan- Planning Div Memo.pdf, 18. SoMadPlanUDCReport111721.pdf, 19. SMP Parks Commission Public Comment Dec 2021.pdf, 20. SMP_Plan Commission Presentation_12-12-21.pdf, 21. Public_Comment_12-12-21.pdf, 22. SMP_Plan Commission Memo_12-13-21.pdf, 23. Public Comments_12-13-21.pdf, 24. Heck Amendment to SMP_12-13-21.pdf, 25. Evers Amendment to SMP_01-03-22.pdf, 26. SMP_draft_plan_Common_Council.pdf
Related files: 80843
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsWatch
1/4/20221 COMMON COUNCIL Adopt the Following Amendment(s)  Action details Meeting details Not available
1/4/20221 COMMON COUNCIL Adopt the Following Amendment(s)Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
1/4/20221 COMMON COUNCIL Substitute as Amended And Make the Main MotionPass Action details Meeting details Not available
1/4/20221 COMMON COUNCIL Adopt With Amendment(s)Pass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/9/20211 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/8/20211 BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/2/20211 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Meeting details Not available
11/18/20211 HOUSING STRATEGY COMMITTEE (end 11/2024) Return to Lead with the Following Recommendation(s)Fail Action details Meeting details Not available
11/17/20211 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Meeting details Not available
11/17/20211 URBAN DESIGN COMMISSION Return to Lead with the Recommendation for ApprovalPass Action details Meeting details Not available
11/15/20211 TRANSPORTATION POLICY AND PLANNING BOARD - ended 3/2023 Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 PLAN COMMISSION Refer  Action details Meeting details Not available
11/2/20211 COMMON COUNCIL Referred  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/27/20211 Planning Division Referred for Introduction  Action details Meeting details Not available

Fiscal Note

No City appropriation is required for the adoption of this plan. City costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets, subject to Common Council approval.


Adopting the South Madison Plan as a supplement to the Comprehensive Plan and directing staff to implement the recommendations contained in the plan.


WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Common Council on August 7, 2018 as Ordinance 18-00085 (ID 51349), which provided a vision for the City’s future and established goals, strategies and actions in the following areas: Land Use and Transportation; Neighborhoods and Housing; Economy and Opportunity; Culture and Character; Green and Resilient; and Effective Government; and


WHEREAS the Comprehensive Plan recommends the preparation of sub-area plans for established neighborhoods to provide greater detail on specific land uses, development intensity, and building forms which establish the characteristics recommended within a given area, or to propose amendments to the Plan; and


WHEREAS the South Madison Neighborhood Plan, adopted in 2005, provided policy makers with a framework for south side improvements; and


WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted Resolution 19-00636 (ID 56633) on September 3, 2019 to authorize an update to the South Madison Neighborhood Plan for the portions of the existing and future City of Madison roughly bounded by Wingra Creek on the north, Lake Monona and the Alliant Energy Center campus on the east, the Beltline Highway and E Badger Road on the south, and Fish Hatchery Road on the west, including lands located in the Town of Madison, which will attach to the City of Madison at 11:59 p.m. on October 30, 2022; and


WHEREAS the South Madison Plan update was initially envisioned to provide opportunity to review and update the existing neighborhood plan to reflect current conditions and align the subarea plan with 2018 Comprehensive Plan strategies including, but not limited to, those that address future land use such as: 1) Prepare detailed plans for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors to guide redevelopment and improve pedestrian and bicycle linkages; 2) Implement Transit Oriented Development (TOD) overlay zoning along BRT and existing and planned high-frequency transit service corridors to create redevelopment intensity minimums, reduce parking requirements, and support transit use; 3) Plan for and facilitate mixed-use neighborhood centers featuring shops, services, employment, and a mix of housing types within and near single-use neighborhood as identified in the growth Priority Areas Map; and 4) Ensure that redevelopment is well-integrated with adjacent low density residential areas; and


WHEREAS during the development of the South Madison Plan, the goals and objectives of the Plan evolved to be more uniquely action-focused and to emphasize the importance of three Guiding Principles: Anti-Displacement and Gentrification; Community Wealth Building; and Opportunities to Thrive; and


WHEREAS, the South Madison Plan process included opportunities for residents, property owners, local businesses and institutions, various City agencies, and others to be fully informed during the duration of the planning process, with ample opportunities to provide input on relevant issues, strategies, and preliminary recommendations, including in-person meetings when possible before and in the late stages of the COVID 19 pandemic, and virtually when traditional in-person public engagement was not possible (virtual public meetings, focus groups, surveys, etc.); and


WHEREAS, the South Madison Plan has been developed to provide recommendations on land use, parks and open space, transportation, and redevelopment; equitable access and community capacity building; economic development; and the S Park Street corridor;


NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the South Madison Plan is hereby adopted as a supplement to the Comprehensive Plan.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff is directed to implement the recommendations contained in the Plan.


BE IT FURTHER AND FINALLY RESOLVED that the recommendations contained in the 2005 South Madison Neighborhood Plan shall remain in effect for that portion of the 2005 planning area located north of Wingra Creek.