Fiscal Note
No City appropriation required.
AMENDED SUBSTITUTE - Creating Sec. 28.070, Tiny House Village (THV) District, Amending Sec. 28.061, Table 28D-2, to include the THV District and specific uses within that District, Amending Sec. 28.211, Definitions, to create a definition of Tiny House Village and Tiny House, and Amending Sec. 28.151, Supplemental Regulations, to provide regulations for Tiny House Villages.
DRAFTER’S ANALYSIS: This ordinance creates a new mixed-use and commercial district, the Tiny House Village (“THV”) District. The Common Council may establish THV Districts through the enactment of a zoning map amendment as provided in MGO Sec. 28.182.
Under this ordinance, a Tiny House Village a site, lot, parcel, or tract of land designed, maintained, or used for the purpose of supplying a location or accommodations for more than three (3) Tiny Houses, which the ordinance defines as any movable sleeping quarters used as an individual’s place of habitation. A Tiny House Village must be owned or operated by a non-profit, religious, or governmental entity. Within the THV District, Tiny House Village is a permitted use. Other uses are also permitted in the THV District, but these uses must be incidental to the THV use.
This ordinance also creates density and area requirements and supplemental regulations for the THV District, including that each THV shall have a management plan, follow certain regulations related to open fires and cooking, use only specified forms of heating, and obtain a campground license pursuant to Wis. Admin Code Chapter ATCP 79, if applicable.
Madison currently has two tiny house villages, which were previously approved by the Common Council as planned developments. The regulations contained in this proposed ordinance are largely based on the regulations contained in those individual planned developments.
The proposed substitution allows tarps in subsection (d) in response to feedback by residents of Tiny Ho...
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