Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
Proclaiming September 12-18, 2021, as Madison Bike Week in the City of Madison.
WHEREAS, Madison has been consistently recognized as one of the most bikeable cities in the United States, and is rated by the League of American Bicyclists as a Platinum “Bicycle Friendly Community”; and,
WHEREAS, Madison has a proud history of embracing biking as a safe, accessible, and sustainable form of transportation for people of all ages and abilities in our community; and,
WHEREAS, Madison has invested in and supported biking in our community, including through the creation of 66 miles of off-street paths and protected bikeways and 160 miles of bike lanes and bike boulevards; and,
WHEREAS, biking is among the most popular recreational activities for residents and guests in the city of Madison including on some of the most popular bike routes in the state including the Lake Loop and the Southwest Path; and,
WHEREAS, Bike Week is an opportunity to celebrate the transformational power of bicycles and an opportunity to come together with diverse stakeholders to raise awareness and inspire new riders; and,
WHEREAS, increasing bikeability for people of all ages & abilities has been identified as a key transportation strategy in the Madison Sustainability, Madison in Motion, and Imagine Madison plans and is an important element in the Vision Zero Action Plan and Complete Green Streets Plan that are in development; and,
WHEREAS, Wisconsin Bike Week is celebrated in cities across the state from September 12th through September 18th; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison, Madison Bikes and numerous local businesses and civic groups have collaborated to organize Madison Bike Week; and,
WHEREAS, Madison Bike Week is an opportunity to celebrate and promote biking in the City of Madison;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby proclaim September 12-18, 2021, as Madison Bike We...
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