Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution adopts a relocation order for land acquisition at an estimated cost not to exceed $47,500. Funding for the land acquisition is budgeted within the 2021 Adopted Capital Budget for Engineering - Major Streets via the Dean Ave/Allis Ave/Tyler Circle/Seth Circle Reconstruction Project (MUNIS 11432).
Determining a Public Purpose and Necessity and adopting a Relocation Order for the acquisition of land interests required for Engineering Project No. 11432 established for the reconstruction of E Dean Ave., Allis Ave., Tyler Cir. & Seth Cir. public street and drainage improvements from Monona Dr to Turner Ave Street. (15th AD)
WHEREAS, on January 5, 2021, RES-21-00022, File ID 63374, the City of Madison Common Council established an assessment district known as the E. Dean Avenue, Allis Avenue, Seth Circle and Tyler Circle Assessment District - 2021; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison Engineering Division has established Engineering Project No. 11432 - Dean Ave., Allis Ave., Tyler Cir. & Seth Cir. for the design, construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure within and serving Dean Ave, Allis Ave, Tyler Cir & Seth Cir Reconstruction; and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Commission provided input, review and recommendations to the Board of Public Works and Common Council under File ID 62571 regarding the proposed design of transportation facilities to be constructed within E. Dean Avenue, Allis Avenue, Seth Circle and Tyler Circle to be reconstructed; and
WHEREAS, on March 2, 2021, RES-21-00160, File ID 64194, the City of Madison Common Council approved Plans, Specifications, and Schedule of Assessments for E. Dean Avenue, Allis Avenue, Seth Circle and Tyler Circle Assessment District - 2021; and,
WHEREAS, acquisition of public land interests are required to accomplish the proposed reconstruction of E. Dean Avenue, Allis Avenue, Seth Circle ...
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