Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes applying for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Program grant to fund part of the reconstruction of the Wexford Pond and Greenway system. It is necessary for the Common Council to approve the preparation and filing of the grant application for the City of Madison to receive funds from this program. The CDBG-DR grant will partially fund the reconstruction project and does not require cost share. Additional expenses not covered by the grant will be funded by the Stormwater Utility’s 2020 adopted capital budget (project #12750). No additional funding is required.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to apply for a Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program (CDBG -DR), administered by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR), to cost-share the reconstruction of a portion of the Wexford Pond and Greenway system. (19th AD)
The City of Madison Engineering Division is developing watershed models and design solutions to reconstruct the storm water ponds and greenways in the Wexford Pond and Greenway system on the west side of the City. Properties in the Wexford neighborhood and surrounding area have historically flooded, including apartment buildings with underground parking, causing significant damage. The reconstructed ponds and greenways will help enhance reduce flood impacts in this area and as part of the larger regional flood mitigation plan for the Pheasant Branch watershed.
The City is applying for a CDBG-DR grant to partially fund the reconstruction of the project. The CDBG-DR grant does not require cost share and additional expenses not covered by the CDBG-DR shall be paid for under the currently budgeted in the 2021 Adopted Stormwater Utility Capital Improvement Plan.
WHEREAS, Federal monies are available under the CDBG-DR program, administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources for the purposes of Disaster Recovery; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Common Council to approve the preparation and filing of the grant application for the City of Madison to receive funds from this program; and
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin CDBG-DR grant has a condition that requires the City, through the Mayor and City Clerk, to submit a Letter of Commitment with the grant application recognizing the City must cover in full project construction costs that exceed the grant award; and
WHEREAS, due to the budgetary nature of this requirement the City is seeking Council approval to sign the Letter of Commitment; and
WHEREAS, the City commits to non-federal match on overall project costs if the grant is received, up to the amount allowed under the Stormwater Utility budget; and
WHEREAS, if the grant is awarded to the City a separate Budget Amendment will be approved to accept these funds and to authorize the City to bid this work.
That the City of Madison, through the Mayor and the City Clerk, is authorized to apply for this grant from the Community Development Block Grant Program, administered by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration.