Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution establishes policy concerning furlough programs and requires that mandatory furloughs only be implemented in accordance with Madison General Ordinance 3.53. Additionally, the resolution seeks recommendations from the Committee on Employee Relations and the Personnel Board on the use of mandatory furloughs. Currently, administration of furloughs is overseen by the Mayor’s Office through establishing APMs. The ordinance does not establish or alter any specific furlough program and therefore does not have a fiscal impact.
Establishing a policy on furlough.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison relies on the labor of city employees to deliver public services; and,
WHEREAS, city employees will benefit from the establishment of clear rules and procedures governing the use of furlough; and,
WHEREAS, mandatory furloughs should be considered only after a good faith effort has been made to meet and confer with employee associations,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that mandatory furloughs shall be implemented only in accordance with the rules and procedures outlined in MGO 3.53, including those adopted within the Personnel Rules, the Employee Benefits Handbook or in any active collective bargaining agreements; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Committee on Employee Relations shall recommend updates to the Leave Provisions section of the Employee Benefits Handbook regarding the use of mandatory furlough time and voluntary time away and shall forward such recommend changes to the Common Council for adoption; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Committee on Employee Relations shall also consider and recommend rules and procedures related to mandatory furlough time and voluntary time away programs and shall forward such recommendations to the Personnel Board; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Personnel Board shall recommend rules relating to the administration of mandatory furlough time and voluntary time away programs, taking due consideration of any recommendations received from the Committee on Employee Relations, and shall forward such recommended changes to the Common Council for adoption.