Fiscal Note
No City appropriation is required with the approval of the proposed resolution. City costs associated with urban development in this area will be included in future operating and capital budgets subject to Common Council approval.
SUBSTITUTE. Amending the City of Madison Official Map to establish mapped reservations for future Streets and Highways in the current and future City of Madison generally located north of Milwaukee Street between N Fair Oaks Avenue and West Corporate Drive consistent with recommendations in the adopted Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan.
WHEREAS the Common Council adopted Ordinance 2091 on August 11, 1966 to establish the Official Map for the City of Madison for a part of the City of Madison located in the NE 1/4 of Section 5, T7N R10E to map various future streets/ highways, parkways, and greenways in the existing and future City generally bounded by Rethke Avenue and N Fair Oaks Avenue on the west, Commercial Avenue (STH 30) on the north, and Milwaukee Street on the south, said Official Map section being amended through Resolution 23232 on March 28, 1972; and
WHEREAS the Common Council adopted Ordinance 2091 on August 11, 1966 to establish the Official Map for a part of the City of Madison located in the NW 1/4 of Section 4, T7N R10E to map various future streets/ highways, parkways, and greenways in the existing and future City located west of US Highway 51 (N Stoughton Road) and north of Milwaukee Street, said Official Map section being amended through Resolution 26,537 on June 25, 1974; and
WHEREAS the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan was adopted by the Common Council by Resolution 18-00847 (ID 53472) on December 4, 2018 as a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan to guide future land uses and street networks, transit facilities, bike facilities, street design, and open spaces to ensure that future development forms a cohesive new neighborhood that is well integrated with surrounding residential neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan was adopted by the Town of Blooming Grove Board on December 12, 2018; and
WHEREAS the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan recommends that a network of streets be implemented to serve development of the planning area generally north of Milwaukee Street between N Fair Oaks Avenue and West Corporate Drive; and
WHEREAS the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan identifies the future extension of Chicago Avenue as a way to improve the link between development parcels and adjacent neighborhoods, while providing a northern outlet for future residents; and
WHEREAS the extension of Chicago Avenue will require the acquisition of several properties, including the acquisition and demolition of an existing single family residence on N Fair Oaks Avenue; and
WHEREAS the extension of Chicago Avenue will also largely depend upon the redevelopment of a portion of the Voit Farm property, which includes a total of 65 acres, approximately one half of which is considered developable while the northern portion is largely comprised of wetlands, floodplains and a quarry pond, and may take 10 years or more to redevelop.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Of Madison hereby amends the City of Madison Official Map to reserve lands for Proposed Streets, Highways, Greenways, and Parkways under Section 16.25(6) of Madison General Ordinances and under Wis. Stats. ss. 62.23(6)(c), as legally described in attached Exhibit A and as shown on attached map Exhibit B.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Streets, Highways, Parkways, and Greenways to be reserved with this amendment are consistent with the recommendations in the Milwaukee Street Special Area Plan.; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council recommends, to the extent practicable, that the City attempt to acquire the single-family residential property on N. Fair Oaks Avenue when the property owner is willing to sell; and
BE IT RESOLVED that notice of this amendment has been provided pursuant to the requirements under Wisconsin Statutes Sec. 62.23(6) and Section 16.25(6) of Madison General Ordinances.