Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution creates a work group to organize the recommendations contained in the Task Force on Government Structure’s (TFOGS) final report into actionable proposals. The work group will be staffed by the Common Council Chief of Staff with assistance from other City staff as necessary using existing resources.
Creating the Ad Hoc Task Force on the Structure of City Government (TFOGS) Final Report Implementation Work Group.
WHEREAS, the Common Council created the Task Force on Government Structure (“TFOGS”) by Resolution (RES-1700714, Legistar File
47707) to consider, address and make recommendations related to the City’s Common Council; Office of the Mayor; Boards, Commissions and Committees; and resident participation and engagement; and,
WHEREAS, on November 20, 2019 the TFOGS issued a Final Report identifying characteristics of the City’s current government structure that pose challenges to resident representation and engagement; and,
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Common Council will accept the TFOGS Final Report by passing a separate resolution accepting the TFOGS Final Report (Legistar Ffile # 58656); and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to M.G.O. § 2.27(4) accepting a Final Report means that the Common Council agrees with the report but does not automatically adopt it or any part of it as the policy of the City; and,
WHEREAS, the Resolution creating the TFOGS did not charge the Task Force with creating specific work plans for the implementation of recommendations contained in the Final Report; and,
WHEREAS, in the Conclusion of the TFOGS’ Final Report the Task Force strongly encourages the Mayor and Common Council to consider its recommendations as a way to pursue meaningful, measurable ways to address the fundamental issues raised by the Final Report regarding resident representation and engagement; and,
WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc TFOGS Final Report Implementation Workgroup (“Workgroup”) will be responsible for organizing the r...
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