Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes acceptance of ownership of various improvements, including a concrete pad/walkway, two benches, a boulder with an attached historical plaque, and various landscaping plantings within Eken Park located at 2407 Coolidge Street. The Eken Park Neighborhood Association will transfer ownership of the improvements to the City of Madison in exchange for the ongoing maintenance, repair, and any associated costs of the improvements by the Association. No additional City appropriation is required.
Authorizing the City of Madison to accept ownership of various improvements creating a gathering place from the Eken Park Neighborhood Association, located in Eken Park at 2407 Coolidge Street. (12th A.D.)
WHEREAS, the Eken Park Neighborhood Association (“Association”) received Community Development Block Grant funding from the City of Madison (“City”) to hire a contractor to install improvements creating a gathering place, including a concrete pad/walkway, two benches, a boulder with an attached historical plaque, and various landscaping plantings (“Improvements”) within Eken Park located at 2407 Coolidge Street in the City of Madison; and
WHEREAS, the City Parks Superintendent approved the location of the Improvements, which are shown on a map attached as Exhibit A and a picture of the installed Improvements is attached as Exhibit B; and
WHEREAS, the Association hereby transfers ownership of the Improvements to the City, in exchange for the ongoing maintenance, repair and any associated costs of the Improvements by the Association; and
WHEREAS, per the contract, the contractor shall maintain the landscape plantings until December 1, 2018. Therefore, the Association’s responsibility for that portion of the Improvements pertaining to landscape plantings shall not commence until December 2, 2018 upon completion of the contract; and
WHEREAS, the Association and the City desire to memorialize this exchange by enteri...
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