Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the City to implement a pilot program to examine the impact of incorporating the Good Food Purchasing Policy into the procurement process when purchasing food on behalf of the City. This standard would apply to food and beverage contracts at all City facilities including Parks, Golf Courses, and the Goodman Pool. The findings of the pilot program will guide future implementation of the program on a Citywide scale. Contracts that meet the standards outlined in the Good Food Purchasing Policy may result in increased contract rates that will either be absorbed or may require future appropriations and revenues.
SUBSTITUTE - Establishing the City of Madison’s Good Food Purchasing Policy and Authorizing the Development of Healthy Vending Standards.
WHEREAS, ‘Local’ is defined by a 2008 amendment to the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act as 'the locality or region in which the final product is marketed, so that the total distance that the product is transported is less than 400 miles from the origin of the product'; or 'the state in which the product is produced'; and,
WHEREAS, The Healthy Procurement and Marketing Work Group of the Madison Food Policy Council has developed a draft policy for good food purchasing to support local agriculture, increase access to healthy food, support fair business and employment practices, increase purchasing of locally grown and produced food, and otherwise enhance the local/regional food economy and further the goals of the 2011 Madison Sustainability Plan, which include increasing consumption of local food and reducing food insecurity; and,
WHEREAS, In practicing good food purchasing methods, the City of Madison can support a regional food system that is ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially responsible. Thoughtful purchasing practices by the City of Madison can nationally impact the creation and availability of a local, equitable, and sustainable good food system; and,
WHEREAS, There are five priority values bolstered by the City of Madison’s Good Food Purchasing Policy, identified as:
1. Local Economies: support small and mid-sized agricultural and food processing operations within the local area or region.
2. Environmental Sustainability: source from producers that employ sustainable production systems that reduce or eliminate synthetic pesticides and fertilizers; minimize the use of hormones, antibiotics, and GMO’s; conserve soil and water; protect and enhance wildlife habitat and biodiversity; and reduce on-farm energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Valued Workforce: provide safe and healthy working conditions and fair compensation to all food chain workers and producers, from production to consumption.
4. Animal Welfare: provide healthy and humane care for farm animals.
5. Nutrition: promote health and well-being by offering generous portions of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains; reducing salt, added sugars, fats, and oils; and by reducing artificial additives; and,
WHEREAS, Implementation of a comprehensive Good Food Purchasing Policy will promote the ongoing leadership of the City of Madison in being a good food leader in our community and nationwide,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Madison embraces the Good Food Purchasing Policy as a strategy to help improve our region’s food system and further the identified five priority values; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Madison desires a baseline assessment of its food purchasing policies. Towards that end, the City will:
1. Communicate to all vendors after the adoption of this resolution the Agency or Department’s creation of and participation in the Good Food Purchasing Policy and ask them to share data that will help the City of Madison complete a baseline assessment. Examples of the data that may be requested include:
• Product name
• Volume purchased
• The name and location of each supplier along the supply chain, to include all
distributors, wholesalers, processors, manufacturers, shippers, AND farm(s) of origin
• Amount spent by institution for each product, to include:
i. Price per volume
ii. For each individual farm or ranch from which product is sourced, total dollar
value spent on each individual product from that farm or ranch
• Total dollar value spent for all food items; and,
2. Complete a baseline assessment of Good Food Purchasing practices after the adoption of this resolution; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Madison shall assist in convening, and participate within, a collaborative of anchor food buying institutions within the City of Madison, along with supply chain partners, government, philanthropy, and NGOs to identify a shared vision, goals and metrics for a food system that expresses the values of the region, and develop Good Food Purchasing Policy Standards as a framework to identify and implement purchasing strategies to collectively achieve those goals; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Madison Food Policy Council will work collaboratively with at least one City of Madison Agency or Department to discuss, develop, and implement a pilot program using developed Good Food Purchasing Policy Standards, which will assist in guiding purchasing practices and product offerings, in addition to data management/retention strategies for pilot program evaluation; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Madison Food Policy Council shall develop Healthy Vending Standards that offer and promote healthy choices and which apply to beverages and snacks sold in vending machines that are under a contract managed by any City Agency or Department and/or are located on property owned or leased by the City.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Madison shall convene a collaborative of anchor food buying institutions within the City of Madison, along with supply chain partners, government, philanthropy, and NGOs to identify a shared vision, goals and metrics for a food system that expresses the values of the region, using the Good Food Purchasing Policy’s Standards as a framework, and identify and implement shared purchasing strategies to collectively achieve their goals; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at least one City of Madison Agency or Department (or their designee) will pilot implementation of the Good Food Purchasing Policy to assist the collaborative of anchor institutions in developing shared goals, metrics and procurement strategies for the region. Specifically, the pilot institution shall use the Good Food Purchasing Policy Standards, once developed, to guide its purchasing practices, and keep data requested by the collaboration to evaluate the results of pilot program; and,
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Madison Food Policy Council shall develop Healthy Vending Standards that offer and promote healthy choices and which apply to beverages and snacks sold in vending machines that are under a contract managed by any City Agency or Department and/or are located on property owned or leased by the City; and,
BE FINALLY RESOLVED, that that the City of Madison will undergo an analysis to collect baseline data and pilot the Good Food Purchasing Policy for future Citywide implementation.