Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution accepts the multi-agency staff review team’s recommendation and approves the Madison Public Market Foundation as the future operator of the Madison Public Market. No City appropriation is required. The recommendation results from a request for qualifications (RFQ) released on January 24, 2018. Once approved, City staff and the Foundation Board will begin negotiating the terms of an Operating Agreement and Master Lease Agreement. Drafted agreements will be presented to the Madison Common Council for review and approval by June 30, 2018.
Approving the Madison Public Market Foundation as the future operator of the Madison Public Market and directing staff to begin working with the Madison Public Market Foundation on creating an Operating Agreement for the Madison Public Market.
WHEREAS, the Madison Public Market Business Plan (accepted by Common Council on October 6, 2015 by Legistar #38885) and the Madison Public Market Implementation Strategy (accepted by Common Council on March 15, 2016 by Legistar #41819) recommend that the Madison Public Market be owned by the City of Madison and operated by an independent 501c3 non-profit organization with terms established by an operating agreement and a master lease; and,
WHEREAS, Madison Common Council Legistar #49283 directed staff to prepare and release a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to identify an organization that will become the Public Market Operator (PMO); and,
WHEREAS, City staff created a Public Market Operator RFQ, which was released on January 24, with responses due on February 26; and,
WHEREAS, prior to its release, the Public Market RFQ was reviewed by a subcommittee of the Public Market Development Committee; and,
WHEREAS, the Public Market Operator RFQ was released through the City’s established vendor distribution systems (DemandStar and VendorNet), as well as shared through the Public Market email list, and directly emailed to potentially intereste...
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