Fiscal Note
No Appropriation Required
Creating Section 28.022 - 00311 and Section 28.022 - 00312 of the Madison General Ordinances to amend a Planned Development District to approve an Amended General Development Plan and Specific Implementation Plan at properties located at 5402 Congress Avenue and 3325 Ambassador Drive, 17th Aldermanic District.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: This ordinance amends the General Development Plan and approves a Specific Implementation Plan to construct a 36-unit apartment building at 5402 Congress Avenue and detached garage at 3325 Ambassador Drive.
The Common Council of the City of Madison do hereby ordain as follows:
1. WHEREAS, an Amended Planned Development District General Development Plan has been duly filed for approval of the Madison Common Council and is hereby made an integral component of the zoning district regulations.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Madison do ordain as follows:
Map Amendment 00311 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
"28.022-00311. An Amended Planned Development District General Development Plan is hereby approved for the following described property:
Lot 1, Certified Survey Map 10856 together with Lot 40, Fourth Addition to High Crossing, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. Said parcels contain 14.42 acres of land.”
2. WHEREAS, an Amended Planned Development District Specific Implementation Plan has been duly filed for approval of the Madison Common Council and is hereby made an integral component of the zoning district regulations.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Madison do ordain as follows:
Map Amendment 00312 of Section 28.022 of the Madison General Ordinances is hereby created to read as follows:
“28.022-00312. An amended Planned Development District Specific Implementation Plan is hereby approve...
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