.Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution seeks Council approval for the City of Madison 2017 HUD Action Plan. The annual plan outlines the City’s planned activities funded through federal formula grants for the 2017 calendar year. The specific funding sources outlined in the action plan include: Community Development Block Grant, HOME, Emergency Solutions Grant, Future Madison, ETH, and Housing Cost Reduction Initiative. The City’s 2017 award through these grants is $7,583,312; this amount is included in CDD’s 2017 Adopted Operating Budget. The attached table outlines the 2017 plan by grant.
Approving the Community Development Division’s HUD-required 2017 Action Plan
In order for the City of Madison to receive federal funding from HUD, an Action Plan for each year must be submitted. This plan covers the use of federal formula grants awarded to Madison through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs, as well as supplemental funds the City intends to use from state and local sources. The goals and objectives developed for the plan were based on HUD priorities, including housing, economic development and neighborhood revitalization. The City of Madison’s Community Development Division will administer the funds.
WHEREAS, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that each participating jurisdiction submit an Action Plan annually to receive federal funds; and
WHEREAS, the City of Madison will receive the HUD funding and adhere to its associated requirements; and
WHEREAS, the CDBG Committee held a public hearing on July 13, 2017 to seek the advice of community organizations, service providers and other stakeholders; and
WHEREAS, the Community Development Division developed the 2017 Action Plan consistent with its adopted 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan;
WHEREAS, the Community Development Division will carry out the goals an...
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