Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution amends the 2017 Adopted Capital Budget by transferring $200,000 funded by GO Borrowing from the Brittingham Park Improvement project (Munis Project 17143) to the Forest Hill Cemetery Improvements project (Munis Project 17167). Funds are available for the transfer.
Amending the 2017 Adopted Capital Budget to transfer $200,000 of existing GO borrowing budget authority from Brittingham Park Improvements to Forest Hill Cemetery Improvements.
WHEREAS, design has been completed on the first phase for Forest Hill Cemetery Improvements and the total estimated cost for the first phase is $565,000, which exceeds the existing budget authority of $460,000 for this project; and
WHEREAS, Legislative File # 46668 approves plans and specifications for this project and authorizes the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids; and
WHEREAS, the Parks Division’s 2017 adopted capital budget includes $200,000 of existing GO borrowing budget authority identified for the reconstruction of the parking lot at Brittingham Park in conjunction with the installation of an all-inclusive fully accessible playground; and
WHEREAS, a more efficient design for the all-inclusive playground no longer requires a corresponding reconfiguration of the parking lot; and
WHEREAS, the budget for the Brittingham parking lot reconstruction included $200,000 in GO borrowing which will no longer be needed for the parking lot reconstruction in 2017.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 2017 Parks Division capital budget is hereby amended to transfer $200,000 of general obligation borrowing funding from the Brittingham Park Improvements major project to the Forest Hill Cemetery Improvements major project.