Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution accepts a $750,000 grant from the US Department of Justice/Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to conduct a 2-year youth violence prevention project on Madison’s North Side; authorizes the City Grant Writer to sign the US Department of Justice’s online award letter; and, assigns a Grant Point of Contact. A separate resolution will amend the operating budget of the Community Development Division and authorize contracting with a service provider to carry out the project.
SUBSTITUTE - Authorizing the City to accept a $750,000 grant from the US Department of Justice/Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to address the issues of youth violence on Madison’s North Side; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with the Department of Justice to receive funds and implement the project; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a sole source contract with the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families to coordinate the community planning process; and, amending the Operating Budget of the Community Development Division as appropriate to receive and expend $750,000 in funds to manage and implement the project authorizing the signature of the U.S. Department of Justice's online award letter; and appointing a General Point of Contact .
WHEREAS Madison is growing, and as it grows, facing new challenges. Among the greatest of these is the nexus between poverty, racial inequality, and youth violence; and,
WHEREAS the Madison community is working on many fronts to address inequities between Madison’s low-income communities of color and middle class residents; and,
WHEREAS to help low-income youth and families succeed, we must confront the causes and impacts of youth violence and victimization; and,
WHEREAS the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has awarded a grant of $750,000 to the City from its program entitled “Safe and Thriving Communities: Uniting and Enhancing Community-Based Violence Prevention, Defending Childhood, and National Forum Approaches”; and,
WHEREAS this grant program aims to prevent and respond to children’s exposure to violence and youth violence and victimization, especially gun and gang violence, through comprehensive approaches to violence and the promotion of well-being for youth; and,
WHEREAS in developing the grant application, City staff worked closely with a consortium of community partners to design a place-based strategy for addressing the problem of youth violence on Madison’s North Side; and,
WHEREAS the project designed by these partners includes two phases. The first is a seven-month community-based Strategic Planning process guided by the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, who will work with community stakeholders including: City of Madison Community Development Division, Dane County Department of Human Services, Madison Metropolitan School District, Madison Police Department, Dane County Criminal Justice Council, and Public Health Madison/Dane County. An equal number of North Side community stakeholders, including community organizations and parents and youth representatives of the target population-will join them. Together they will make up the North Side Collaborative; and,
WHEREAS the 17-month implementation phase will pursue goals defined by the community during the planning process. To pursue these identified goals, the City will subcontract with community-based organizations who respond to a competitive, RFP process to provide requested services; and,
WHEREAS the City must accept the award in a timely manner; and,
WHEREAS the City must assign a General Point of Contact for grant and project management; and,
WHEREAS additional authorization will be sought by a separate resolution amending the Operating Budget of the Community Development Division; approving a sole source contract with the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families who will coordinate the community planning process; and, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with the US Department of Justice,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to enter into a contract with the US Department of Justice to accept a $750,000 grant from the US Department of Justice/Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to be used to support a planning and implementation project aimed at preventing and responding to problems of youth violence and victimization on Madison’s North Side; and,
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to enter into a sole source contract in a form approved by the City Attorney with the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families to coordinate the two phases of the project; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Community Development Division Operating Budget is amended as appropriate to reflect receipt of the $750,000 grant award and corresponding expenditure authority.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes the City to accept a grant of $750,000 from the Department of Justice to carry out a two-year project addressing the causes and impacts of youth violence on Madison’s North Side; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Judy Olson, City Grant Writer and initial Grant Point of Contact, is authorized to sign the Department of Justice’s online letter accepting the $750,000 award; and,
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the role of Grant Point of Contact is reassigned to Mary O’Donnell, Youth Services Coordinator in the Community Development Division, who will manage the grant and project.