Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution deletes Library positions 431, 482, and 480. The salary and benefit savings in 2016 from these positions is $200,000. This savings will be used to fund the salaries and benefits for the FTE increases proposed which are also $200,000. No budget amendment is necessary.
SUBSTITUTE Adjust the FTE level of various Librarian, Library Assistant, and Clerk Typist positions at the Library to increase service to the public by shifting dollars already in the Library Operating budget.
Resolution that the following FTE adjustments are made within the Libray Operating Budget, thereof:
• Increase Librarian position #421 from 0.9 FTE to 1.0 FTE and reallocate the incumbent (P. Witting) to the new level.
• Increase Library Assistant position #4433 (currently vacant) from 0.7 to 1.0 FTE.
• Increase Librarian position #468 from 0.6 FTE to 1.0 FTE and reallocate the incumbent (R. Krueger) to the new level.
• Increase Library Assistant position #4530 from 0.9 FTE to 1.0 FTE and reallocate the incumbent (R. Davidson) to the new level.
• Increase Librarian position #488 from 0.8 FTE to 1.0 FTE and reallocate the incumbent (K. Odahowski) to the new level.
• Increase Library Assistant position #3728 from 0.7 FTE to 0.9 FTE and reallocate the incumbent (K. Van Goeden) to the new level.
• Increase Clerk Typist position #453 from 0.6 FTE to 0.9 FTE and reallocate the incumbent (C. Markwyn) to the new level.
• Create a new 1.0 FTE position of Library Assistant.
These changes will be funded by deleting positions #431 (Librarian 2), #482 (Librarian 2), #465 and #470 (Clerk 2) and reducing position #514 (Library Community Services Manager) from 1.0 to 0.7 FTE.