Fiscal Note
In the adopted 2016 capital budget the Community Development Division has budgeted $1.5M for capital improvements for the expansion and renovation of Neighborhood Centers (MUNIS 10066). The 2016 Adopted Operating Budget of CDBG includes $136,000 for ongoing operating costs of the location of the neighborhood center.
The proposed resolution authorizes the agreement for the planning of the of the design and devolopment for the neighborhood center rehabilitation in the amount of $80,000.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Dorschner Associates, Inc. to provide Architectural and Engineering design services related to Programming, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding and Construction Administration for the building rehab of 1233 McKenna Boulevard (Former Griff’s) for use as the Park Edge/Park Ridge (PEPR) Employment Center.
WHEREAS the adopted Capital Budget for the Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development agency includes funding for costs related to the rehabilitation of neighborhood centers; and,
WHEREAS the costs for Programming, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding and Construction Administration for the rehab of the building for use as the Park Edge/Park Ridge (PEPR) Neighborhood Employment Center
are projected to be $80,000; and,
WHEREAS the 2016 Operating Budget includes $136,000 for which the City will support operations and programs to be offered at the center; and,
WHEREAS the operator of the center, Urban League of greater Madison, Inc., has been selected through a competitive Request for Proposal process, and was introduced to Common Council on May 17, 2016; and,
WHEREAS Dorschner Associates, Inc. was selected to provide Architectural and Engineering Services through a competitive Request for Proposal and interview process; and,
WHEREAS Dorschner Associates, Inc. is a local firm with expertise on the...
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