Fiscal Note
This proposed resolution is seeking approval to pursue the specified grant funding for the Flood Control project. The total project cost is estimated at $167,500, with a grant amount $83,750 and Storm Water Utility cost of $83,750. Based on the potential approval of this resolution and the possible award of that grant funding, a second resolution would then be created in the future to request an amendment to storm water's capital budget for the appropriation of the utiliy's estimated cost in the grant project.
Authorizing the submittal of a state grant application by the City Engineer and the subsequent appropriation of Madison Storm Water Utility funds for a Municipal Flood Control Grant project, 3629 Marsh Rd, to acquire the property via purchase, raze the site, and maintain as floodway in perpetuity.
WHEREAS, the City of Madison is qualified, willing and able to carry out all activities described in the state grant application; and,
WHEREAS, in this action the City of Madison Common Council has declared its intent to conduct the Municipal Flood Control Grant project described in the application; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison will allow employees from the Department of Natural Resources access to inspect grant project sites; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison will maintain records documenting all expenditures made during the Municipal Flood Control Grant project; and,
WHEREAS, the City of Madison will submit a final report to the Department which describes all Municipal Flood Control Grant project activities, achievements and data collected, and documentation of the project costs.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Engineer is hereby authorized to submit a state grant application and appropriate matching funds for a Municipal Flood Control Grant project, 3629 Marsh Rd, to acquire the property via purchase, raze the site, and maintain the property as floodplain in perpetuity.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of ...
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