Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes a sole source contract between the Water Utility and Seiler Instrument to purchase a survey tool and hardware that will be used for construction projects. The estimated cost of the contract is $43,000. The contract will be paid through funds currently appropriated within the Water Utility 2016 operating budget for supplies (MUNIS 86100-53140-00000).
Authorization for Madison Water Utility to use Seiler Instrument as a sole source provider of Trimble Navigation Limited to purchase a total station and related hardware.
Madison Water Utility maintains a survey program to support construction, the creation of construction records, and system wide mapping. The total station is an essential tool to support the survey program. This resolution allows Madison Water Utility to enter into a sole source agreement with Seiler Instrument, the only local provider that can distribute Trimble Navigation Ltd. equipment
WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility maintains a survey program to support construction, the creation of construction records, and support ongoing mapping of the water system. A total station is a critical tool required to support the survey program; and
WHEREAS, Madison Water Utility has the need to upgrade an existing Sokkia Set 4B Total Station to an industry standard robotic total station. The current manual Sokkia total station has exceeded its service life, is no longer supported by the manufacturer, is difficult and costly to maintain, requires a two-person crew to operate, does not fully integrate in MWU’s Trimble land surveying environment, and is otherwise considered obsolete by modern standards; and
WHEREAS, With the exception of the Sokkia Set 4B, Madison Water Utility currently uses Trimble Hardware and Software to support the survey program. Trimble hardware and software is highly integrated; and
WHEREAS, A Trimble Navigation Ltd. robotic total station will allow Madison Water Util...
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