Fiscal Note
2016 Capital Budget
Fire Maintenance Building/Design Fund No. 10304-41-140: 58011 $2,141,242
2016 Capital Budget
The 2016 Capital Budget includes the Fire Maintenance Building/Design Fund No. 10304 in the amount of $50,000 plus the 2016 Adopted Capital Budget in the amount of $2,237,218 for the total budget authorization of $2,287,218 for design services in 2016.
2nd SUBSITUTE Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an agreement with RNL Design Inc. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for Fleet Services Nakoosa Trail Fleet/Fire/Radio Shop Facility in the amount of $2,141,242.
WHEREAS the 2015 Capital Budget included funding for phase one -- the design and construction of Fire Maintenance Building in 2015/16 and funding for phase two for design and construction of the Fleet Building in 2018/2019; and,
WHEREAS in 2015 Facilities Management conducted a “Request for Qualifications” (RFQ) process and “Request for Proposal/Final Interview ” (RFP) process which requested a cost of services for phase one and discussed the second phase of the project; and,
WHEREAS RNL Design Inc was the consultant selected as a result of the RFQ/RFP process, and
WHEREAS upon adoption of the 2016 Capital Budget the scope of the project changed from design/construction of phase one to combining both phases into one project; and,
WHEREAS the 2016 Capital Budget includes an amount of $2,287,218 for the design of the Fleet/Fire/Radio Shop Facility project which is both phases of the project, and an architect consultant must be hired to design this project; and,
WHEREAS Facilities Management re-negotiated the scope and compensation to include both phases for the total contract compensation for architectural and engineering design services for RNL Design Inc., including LEED documentation, is $2,141,242; and,
WHEREAS MGO Section 4.26 (1) provides for the City to use alternate means in selecting a consultant if the Mayor and Common Council approve the selection by resolution, and
WHEREAS the project is the continuing development and preparation of architectural and engineering design, plans and specifications, preparation of bid documents, assistance in the bid process and construction administration services for the design and construction of a new building, including site development work, for the Fleet/Fire/Radio Shop Facility; and,
WHEREAS architectural programming and master planning services were completed in April 2015 for the Nakoosa Trail Fleet Services Facilities. The completed master plan study includes space needs programming, equipment programming, preparation of various master site plan concepts, conceptual schematic floor plan designs, and preliminary cost estimating for a new building for Fleet Services, Fire Maintenance, and the Radio Shop; and,
WHEREAS the Fire Maintenance Facility will be designed for maintenance and repairs of fire apparatus and ambulance vehicles including heavy apparatus bays for heavy equipment maintenance, breathable air system maintenance and mask shop with harness mask storage and bottle storage, an accessible station for breathable air refilling, and parts and material storage spaces for fire apparatus repair parts and supplies for on-board equipment and safety supplies; and,
WHEREAS the Fleet Services Facility will be designed for maintenance and repairs of city fleet including Streets Division, Traffic Engineering Division, Police Department and additional agencies vehicles including heavy apparatus bays for heavy equipment maintenance, light/medium duty apparatus bays for passenger vehicle maintenance, chassis wash bay, welding/machine/body/tire shops, storage space for parts and supplies, administration offices, service coordination areas, crew support spaces, exterior vehicle storage; and,
WHEREAS the Radio Shop will be designed for installation, maintenance, and repair of two-way radio systems for public works and public safety equipment including vehicle bays, parts and material storage, technician workshops, drivers reception and waiting areas, exterior vehicle parking, communications tower; and,
WHEREAS consistent with the Long Range Facility Report, relocation of Fleet Services from First Street along with the Radio Shop from Sayle Street to a combined use facility at Nakoosa Trail would provide for significant operational efficiencies; and,
WHEREAS the current Fire Maintenance Building located on East Washington Avenue is extremely small for the size and weight of the vehicles being serviced at the property, fire engines and ladder trucks are challenging to maneuver into the building because of their size, height limitations within the existing building make raising the truck cab difficult, safety is of utmost concern, a combined use facility at Nakoosa Trail along with Fleet Services is desired to reduce travel and response times and to improve operational efficiencies; and,
WHEREAS the scope of this project shall include professional architectural and engineering design services for site and building improvements that will achieve LEED Certification-Silver following the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED for New Construction (LEED-NC) Rating System; and,
WHEREAS it is desirable to design the new Fleet/Fire/Radio Shop Facility in 2016 and construct the new facility in 2017; and,
WHEREAS RNL Design Inc. located at 1050 17th Street, Suite A200, Denver, Colorado, has been selected through the “Request for Qualifications” process and “Final Interview” process, and is the final selected candidate in accordance with MGO Section 4.26 of Madison General Ordinances and in accordance with APM No. 3-3 of Administrative Procedure Memorandum; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract for purchase of services, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, with RNL Design Inc. to provide professional architectural and engineering design services for the Fleet Services Nakoosa Trail Fleet/Fire/Radio Shop Facility.